Wednesday, July 25, 2007


This Sunday we will embark on a new series entitled Incomparable. This is an opportunity for us to take a closer look at the character and attributes of our God. The goal of this series is not just head knowledge, rather knowledge that shapes us individually and corporately. Having a larger view of God will cause us to worship Him more and to reflect Him more clearly to our city. After all, we cannot delight in what we have not seen and we cannot commend that which we don’t know. This will be a great series to invite your friends, family and workmates to. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Tacoma Farmer's Market

We have an amazing opportunity to serve the city by having a booth at the Tacoma Farmer's Market on Thursday, August 2nd. That Thursday is one of two Kid's Days that the market hosts. Our desire is to provide some fun for the kids and possibly even for their parents. We could really use some help. If you would like to help out for all or part of the day please let me or Malena know. I am very excited about this event as it helps us move forward in being a blessing to the people and city of Tacoma.

In.Vision .3

We will once again gather to look forward to what New Community Church will look like. This week we will look at what a church looks like that worships in Spirit and Truth. We will gather at 711 St. Helens at 5:30 for one hour. We look forward to seeing you all there!

P.S. We're home!

Friday, July 13, 2007

London's Burning

Hello from England. I had the intention to post more from England, but to be honest words are not coming easy to describe the amazing family we are a part of. I won't try to communicate to you all that has happened in this post, but hope to verbalize as much as possible on Sunday the 22nd.

In Brighton my roomate was a bright young man named Tongai. He's leading a new church plant in Harare, Zimbabwe. There are already a handful of churches in that city, but they press on to reach that large city. Please pray for him and his team as things have gotten really tough with finances and supplies. When he returns to Zimbabwe he will have a lot to do, but the amazing thing is he is so full of faith and joy even when facing heavy persecution. The humbling thing is... when I met him he told me they have been praying for Tacoma in their meetings! Wow!

I can't wait to get home and see you all!