Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Beach Party!

This Sunday, September 2nd, we will be gathering at Owen Beach for a picnic at 3 pm. Bring food for you and your family. The church will be bringing our notorious FREE water, hot dogs, hot dog buns and all the fixings. As a church we will hand out, yup you got it, FREE water and hot dogs to anyone who would like some. The plan is to enjoy beautiful Owen Beach, each other, and perhaps make some new friends.

Please note we will also have our regular 10:30 am meeting at 711 St. Helens.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Make Some Noise!

We are podcasting! Wait, what is a podcast? Well, according to it means - to distribute (multimedia files) over the Internet for playback on a mobile device or a personal computer. In other words, you can now listen to our Sunday messages on your computer and iPod/MP3 player! You can get there via the audio/podcast link on our website. There is also a link on the blog in the 'Recommended Resources' section.

You can also have the messages directly downloaded in your iTunes by subscribing through the iTunes store. There is an iTunes icon (subscribe with iTunes) on the lower right side of our podcast page. Click on the icon and follow the prompts from there.

As of now you can listen to three talks from the series 'Incomparable' and also four short talks on grace by Terry Virgo. If you haven't had a chance to listen to the 'grace talks' yet I highly recommend them.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

To The Park!

Just wanted to remind you all that we will be heading out to McKinley Playfield (E. 44th & McKinley) to bless some folks with FREE water, face painting, and fun. We will meet at the park at 12 noon and hang out there until about 3 pm. We won't be serving lunch or having lunch together, but feel free to bring a picnic. Our goal is to bless people in the park and to have a presence in the park.

We will be wearing our T-Shirts... if you don't have one and plan on being there let me know... we'll hook you up!

*Please note we are not going to be at McKinley Park which is on 9000 Upper Park St E, we are at McKinlry Playfields.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Africa is Coming to the Fair

I want to make you all aware of an excellent volunteer opportunity. Below is an email I received from our very own Brad Stave. Please let me know if you would like to serve.

You are Invited to Visit and Volunteer at "The World Vision Experience: Village" at the Puyallup Fair!

The "World Vision Experience: Village" is an interactive multimedia experience coming to the Puyallup Fair this September 7th-23rd, 2007! The "World Vision Experience: Village" will give fair visitors an opportunity to experience life in an African village through the eyes of a child. You will witness the realities and effects of poverty in Africa, as you wind your way through hallways rich in media. Immediately following, you will travel to Africa through an audio/video tour inside an authentic African hut, rich in the sounds, sights and smells of African life! And finally, you will experience hands-on the transformational work that happens in developing countries through the Christian humanitarian organization, World Vision. Adults and children will learn and participate in African life by pumping water at a well, visiting a local school, walking through a rural health clinic, perusing a bustling African market place, joining a drum circle and much, much more. This authentic African experience will bring you close to a continent far away. If you haven't been to Africa, now is your chance. Step out of your world and explore Africa with World Vision at the "World Vision Experience:Village" exhibit at the Puyallup Fair. Choose a night and bring your entire youth group to the Puyallup Fair, to experience this amazing exhibit!

In addition, in order to provide an impactful experience for fairgoers,World Vision is requesting volunteers to act as ambassadors at the Village. When you volunteer during a four hour shift at the Village at the Puyallup Fair you will receive:

A World Vision T-Shirt
Volunteer Training
Free Pass and Parking
Cold Beverages and Snacks
An Opportunity to Change Lives!

People from your church and youth group are encouraged to volunteer, although volunteers must be 16 years of age or older. For more information please visit

Friday, August 3, 2007

Soooooo Proud!

Wow! What a team! We had a great day at the Tacoma Farmer's Market. I was sooooo proud to be a part of the New Community Church booth. Everyone served with such zeal and joy. We handed out hundreds of FREE waters (on a very hot day I might add), we painted dozens of faces, we helped make dozens of bracelets, we handed out countless balloons with invites, and we met some wonderful Tacomans.

A real highlight for me was seeing members of our team reaching out to other organizations in the set-up and take down process. Well done!

Another cool thing about the day was that all our signs were in English and Spanish. This proved to be very helpful as Malena looks to start a bi-lingual pre-school group. Numerous people showed interest in it and wanted to know how they could get their children involved.

I really feel like this was a landmark day for us. Let's keep pressing into the purposes of God for us in this city!
By they way, if you receive this post via email you probably won't see the pictures so make sure you visit the blog....