Friday, April 18, 2008

The Heartbeat

This Sunday night we will be gathering for prayer and worship at 711 St. Helens. This is a once a month event that is really the heartbeat of our church. Please join us as we seek God for ourselves, our city and the nations.

Start time is 5:30 and we will end at 7. There is childcare... if you are dropping a child off you will be asked to sign up for a 20 minute stint in the NCC Kids room.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Save the Date(s)!

I'm sure all of you are as ready as I am for summer. I wanted to mention a couple of dates to all of you that I really hope fit into your summer plans.

First one is July 18-19 (Friday and Saturday). Brad and Beccy Stave have been gracious enough to set up a church camping trip. The location is Belfair State Park which is located about an hour away near the Hood Canal. Activities include swimming, fishing, kids play area, horseshoes, volleyball and much more. Accommodations.... a tent! The trip is open to anyone (NCCer or not an NCCer), but space will be limited so please contact Beccy if you would like to go. (By the way, this is purely a recreational time... no teaching sessions or anything like that.)

The next date is August 15-17 (Friday-Sunday). This is for Newfrontiers Celebration Northwest which is a conference for all the Newfrontiers churches in the northwest. This year we will have Terry Virgo as the main speaker. There will be childcare, kid's programs and Oneblaze (7th - 12th graders). (Oneblaze will actually start on the Wednesday before and then merge into Celebration Northwest.) The conference will be held at Silver Creek Fellowship in Silverton, OR. More details will be available soon. I really want to encourage all of you to attend this one.... and bring a friend if you'd like!