Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What a Weekend!

We had an amazing time at Celebration Northwest and Oneblaze Northwest. Amazing times of worship (well done Nick, Alexis, Alfredo, Waymond and Eli!), great teaching from Terry Virgo and John Lanferman, and fun times hanging out with friends from all over the Northwest. Not to mention the fact that NCC won the volleyball tournament!

I wanted to give a special thanks to our family at Silver Creek Fellowship who did an amazing job hosting the conference, providing an amazing family day on Saturday, and giving us a place to sleep. (Oh yeah, and some scrumptious food.)

All of the talks from Celebration NW are available for your downloading enjoyment at www.celebrationnw.silvercreekfellowship.org.

This Sunday we will have John and Linda Lanferman with us. John will be preaching on Sunday morning and helping lead the prayer time on Sunday night (5:30 pm at 711 St. Helens).

I look forward to seeing you all then!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hold on to Your Hats

So much going on at NCC! I just wanted to give you all a heads up on some upcoming events...
  • August 15-17 Celebration Northwest in Silverton, OR (Silver Creek Fellowship) We will be joining other Newfrontiers churches in the Northwest for a weekend of worship and teaching. If you are going, please note that there will be an offering taken for the greater work of Newfrontiers here in the US. Checks and cash accepted... checks should be made out to Newfrontiers USA. Please prayerfully consider what you and your family can give.
  • Sunday, August 17 - New Community Church will not be gathering on Sunday morning due to the fact that most people will be at Celebration NW. Please pass this along to anyone you know that may need to know this!
  • Sunday Morning (10:30 am), August 24 - John and Linda Lanferman will be with us for our Sunday meeting. John will be preaching.
  • Sunday Evening (5:30 pm), August 24 - Our monthly night of prayer and worship. This is really the engine room of the church. Please come along as we touch heaven and shake a city.
I am really looking forward to these exciting times! We're moving forward together for God's glory!