Friday, October 31, 2008

Daylight Savings and a New Day

Hopefully you all know by now that this Sunday will be our first Sunday in the new location at the new time. We will gather at 409 N. Tacoma Ave. (Central Lutheran Church) at 4 pm. The parking lot and entrance to the building is in the back. That's right, I said parking lot!

Also, for your information, Sunday is Daylight Savings. This means we all fall back one hour. This is great news as you gain an hour of sleep! Now, if you show up to the meeting an hour early... you will be asked to help set up! You've been warned!

I can't wait to see you all there!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Open House!

This Saturday, November 1st, we will be hosting an 'open house' at our new Sunday meeting location 409 N. Tacoma Ave. (Central Lutheran Church). The open house will begin at 9 am and run until 11 am. This will be an informal time for everyone and anyone to see the new space we will be gathering in.

During this time the set-up team will be setting up the meeting space and taking down the meeting space. This is a great opportunity for us to get a practice run in!

Please come by to help out or just to say hello. Parking is available in the back of the building... turn off of Tacoma Ave onto N. 4th and pull into the church parking lot.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Last One!

This Sunday, October 26th, will be our last Sunday meeting at our 711 St Helens location. Let's shut her down with a bang!

Starting Sunday, November 2nd, our Sunday gathering will be at the Central Lutheran Church building at 4 pm. We are very excited about this change!

By the way, November 2nd is also daylight savings as well... don't forget to fall back an hour... if you show an hour early you will be put to work!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I am so grateful for the gospel. I think I've made the understatement of the year, but I am! The gospel (the good news of Jesus Christ) affects every aspect of our lives: our eternal security, a clean conscience, the empowering presence of God in our lives, and on and on it goes. One of the things we are so grateful for as a church is that the gospel is power for reconciliation between men and women of all different backgrounds, races, and socio-economic standing. The gospel unites the un-uniteable and we really pray that this will be evident in our church: in our meetings, our homes, our parties.... in every aspect of our lives.

I recently came across an interview with David Anderson, the author of Gracism, by Christianity Today. (I love when people interview authors... they typically summarize the book and keep my reading load down.) I found it very helpful for us as a church.

Then I found out that David Anderson spoke at a Newfrontiers church in London! You can here him and others speak on the issue of racism and and building mulit-cultural churches here.

As we transition to a new meeting place and a new meeting time, let's not forget that the gospel is good news to all people. As we live, work and play in a very diverse city, let's continue to ask God for a very diverse church that reflects God's heart for every people group on the earth.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

We're Movin' on Up!

For those of you who missed our BIG announcement on Sunday.... We're moving our Sunday meeting location and time starting Sunday, November 2nd! Our new meeting location will be Central Lutheran Church which is located on the corner of Tacoma Ave. and North 5th (map). Our new start time will be Sundays at 4pm.

We are extremely excited about this move. In fact, drum role please, here are our top ten favorite things about this move...

10. We can hang out with the '12th Man' on Sunday mornings. All you Seahawk fans will have a chance to watch games with strangers, friends or family and still make it to the meeting on time.
9. We are only moving less than 1 mile from our current location. This means all the walkers can still walk to the Sunday meeting!
8. Breakfast anyone? The later start means you can try a few breakfast joints with friends or have neighbors over for a brunch!
7. Students can sleep in! (Need I say more?)
6. The new location has multiple rooms for our kids work! The kids will be separated into 3 different rooms according to age. Still time to sign up to serve the kids if you'd like.
5. Take a weekend trip and still be back for the meeting! This is great for you campers, skiers, or those who just like to get out of Tacoma for the weekend.
4. There will be lot's of opportunity for people to serve on Sundays! (Set-up, greeters, clean-up, kids work, worship team, and much more) So many of you have already offered your time and energy! Thanks!
3. Go to the park on Sunday morning and hang out with people who don't go to church!
2. We have room to quadruple in size! There is plenty of room for us to grow, grow, grow. So invite your neighbors, workmates, friends and family. Plenty of room for them and their kids!
1. We are on a MISSION! God has BIG plans for us in the city and we are on a great journey.

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If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me via email or by phone (253.241.6203).