Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Love to Hear It!

I have recently had several conversations with new people at NCC who have been so pleased about how welcomed they felt in our meetings. They have expressed how great it feels to come into our meeting and not only be greeted at the door, but to connect with people over coffee before and after the meeting. I really, really appreciate you all taking the time to serve these new people!

I liken our meeting to my house. I would never just open my door and let someone come into my house without saying hi to them and offering them something to eat or drink. Moreover, I wouldn't just greet them at the door, usher them into my living room and then leave them there for hours. The church is a family and we are given gifts in each and every visitor. I can live with someone coming to our meetings and not being able to line up with us theologically, or not being able to join our mission, but for someone to come and say no one would talk to me is just unacceptable.

All that to say, thank you so much for being so hospitable in our meetings! I love this church!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Worship, Prayer and the Lord's Supper

This Sunday morning from 10 am - 11:30 am we will gather to worship, pray and share the Lord's supper. These times have proven to be extremely important for us as a church, I'm sure this time will be no different. As we press into the Bible Story, Alpha, Small Groups, and engaging the city, let's remember that we need God to move! Hope you all can make it!

We will gather at 711 St. Helens.

Childcare will be available.... parents will be asked to sign up for a 20 minute slot.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chronological Bible Storytelling Training Audio!

The audio is available from last Saturdays training day on Chronological Bible Storytelling. I highly recommend it as it is very central to what we are doing as a church in the coming months. Also, it will benefit you as you discover how to share the story effectively.

To listen to the training click here or subscribe to the New Community Church podcast via iTunes.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This Saturday... Training Day!


On January 10, 2009 we will be having a seminar on the value of Chronological Bible Storytelling led by Sam and Marlene Poe. If you have a desire to learn more about sharing God’s Big Salvation Story this seminar is for you.

We will be sharing on the importance of biblical storytelling in today’s world. There will also be practical instruction on the art of good storytelling. This seminar will be especially helpful for anyone who has a desire to share the Good News with those who are not yet Christians, lead a small group, work with Children or to teach and train others in God’s Word.

We will begin our first session at 10:00 am and plan to finish by 3:30 in the afternoon. We will meet at 711 St. Helens, Tacoma, WA. There is no charge for the event. Please bring a sack lunch.