Sunday, May 31, 2009

Correction on Summit

Summit is actually Tuesday, June 9th. Sorry for any confusion. Dinner will still be served.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

One More Date...


Let's not forget Summit! I had a great time at the last Summit. Summit is for anyone at NCC who is serving or wants to serve. A meal will be served and some vision will be casted. We will also talk about some serving opportunities. The topic this time around will be centered on what we are trying to accomplish at our Sunday gatherings. Hope you can all make it!

Tuesday, June 2nd at 6 pm at 711 St. Helens Ave.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Important Information!

There is so much going on at NCC! Please make a note of the dates below!

  • Sunday, May 31 - John Lanferman (leads Newfrontiers-USA) will be speaking at NCC
  • Sunday, May 31 - Special Offering for Summer Outreach (Please indicate on check that its for summer outreach)
  • June 2-10 - Noonan's on vacation (going east to see family!!)
  • Thursday, June 18 - First Day for NCC at the Tacoma Farmer's Market
  • July 17-19 - NCC Camping Trip (Belfair State Park... registration coming soon!)
  • August 7-9 - Celebration Northwest (Newfrontiers churches in the NW coming together for worship and teaching @ George Fox University) Register here.
  • September 4-6 - Cross-Cultural Training Conference (More info coming soon...)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Worship/Prayer/Lord's Supper

This Sunday we will be gathering at 10 am at 711 St. Helens for our monthly morning of Worship, Prayer and the Lord's Supper. Please come along as this is the heartbeat of the church!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Day!

This Sunday is Mother's Day! I hope you all get a chance to spend time as a family in the morning... eat brunch, breakfast in bed, flowers, a card, a walk, a trip to your favorite coffee shop, make a phone call to mom or grandma, etc... As the husband of a mother of two boys I am struggling to find a 'gift' that is worthy of this celebration, especially on our budget. "Thanks for putting up with crying, pooping, rowdy, back-talking, snot nosed boys.... here's a card!" What!?!?!

Here's the kicker. Mom's, despite the crying, pooping, rowdy, back-talking, snot nosed boys, love what they do. They wouldn't trade it in for anything. I'm not saying a nice card and perhaps a gift card for a massage wouldn't be well received. I'm just saying that it's hard to find an appropriate gift for the woman who went through labor and all kinds of other 'difficult' things, and is still working 168 hour weeks.

I can't help but think that this is a reflection of God's heart to us. He loves us because in his mercy he has called us out of darkness and into light making us sons and daughters. He loves us, because he loves us. He loves us because we are hidden in his perfect, unchanging Son.

In the same way that it's hard to find an appropriate gift for mom, it's often hard to know how to respond to God in light of his mercy, especially on our budget. Not only is it hard to know how to respond, but it can actually be devastating if we respond incorrectly.

One response in particular that is devastating is trying to find the 'gift' that we feel is equal to how much God has done for us. "Jesus died for me, I will repay him with my life." Not what God wants from us... as if we could actually do that. Acts 17:24-25 says, "The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. "

Let's not belittle what God has done for us by trying to repay him. The proper response is worship! Just say thank you, I mean really say thank you. That's appropriate.

So give a gift to your wife, or your mom, or your grandma, but don't forget to just say thank you, I mean really say thank you.

p.s. Please RSVP for Summit if you are attending... again Tues., May 12th, 6-7:30 pm at 711 St. Helens... dinner will be served.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

NCC Summit

We are advancing as a church which means things are changing, old things need to die and new things need to come to life. In this new phase the most crucial thing is that we move forward together. As in all relationships in life, communication is the key.

To help communicate with greater clarity our vision, our values (family traits), changes that need to be made, and where we need people to step up, we are launching a new once a month event called Summit. Summit is for anyone leading, serving or would like to serve at NCC. We will have dinner together, do some training/vision casting, and build together as we move forward in seeing a church established where lives are supernaturally changed by God.

The kids room will be open for kids to watch a video or play together, but there will be no organized care. It would be great for the kids to eat together with their parents and then parents can rotate in on 20 minute intervals.