Friday, October 30, 2009

The Return of Dwell

I'm happy to announce that this Sunday we will continue the Dwell interview series with Karol Barkley from the Toy Rescue Mission. The Toy Rescue Mission has been serving Tacoma for almost 20 years. Please come along and hear who they are and how we can help!

p.s. Thank you Natalie Eckart for serving there and giving me their contact information.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Candy and Volunteers

We are getting close to Harvest Party time! We still need as much candy as you can give. As mentioned on Sunday, the variety bags from Costco run about $12-$14. We will also take any other bags of candy you can give.

The nice folks at Destiny City Church are filling the bags this week and it would help them to have the candy sooner than later. If you are able to contribute please give me a ring ASAP.

(253) 241.6203

Also, if you are able to help before, during or after the party we are still in need of volunteers. This is going to be a great way to bless Tacoma! If you are interested in serving please contact me ASAP!

The setup team will meet at Central Lutheran at 12:45 pm on Saturday the 31st. The actual party begins at 6 pm and will run until 8:30 pm.

Thanks so much!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Harvest Party!

I'm excited to announce that we have been invited to help other churches in hosting a HUGE Harvest Party at Mason Middle School (Proctor District) on Saturday, October 31st (Holloween). The event will be from 6-8:30 pm. We will be working with Destiny City Church and the Journey... and I believe one or two other churches. Everybody in attendance will receive a bag full of candy and a resource card that will include our church information. We are estimating 1,500 - 2,000 people in attendance!

Ways you can help....

1) We need help loading and setting up. If you're interested, that team will meet at Central Lutheran at 12:45 pm. They will be loading games and candy into vans and taking it all over to Mason Middle School.

2) Help man a game station. There will be games for all ages, including 30 Playstations! This will require you to be there from 5:45-8:30.

3) CANDY! They need lot's and lot's of candy. If you are a Costco member you can buy one or two of their big variety bags of candy. As a church we will be buying a bunch of those bags and your contribution can really help.

This event will provide a safe and fun alternative to kids in their families. They will also see a beautiful display of churches working together to bless the city! I'm so glad we have been invited in on this. Please let me know if you can help!

Thank you!

Bo Noonan

Friday, October 16, 2009

Worship, Prayer and the Lord's Supper

This Sunday morning we will gather for a morning of worship, prayer and sharing the Lord's Supper. We really value these times as they have proven to remind us of who the master builder of this church is. Terry Virgo writes, "We need to learn that prayer grows out of our appreciation of God. When we start by worshiping and being thrilled with God, it becomes natural to ask God to be true to his character and power and to take action in his world."

We worship and pray because we're not satisfied with what we can produce on our own. It's also a time to share the Lord's Supper and remember who made this all possible and how He did it.

We will start at 10 am and be done by 11:30 am. Childcare will be available. Parents will be asked to sign up for 20 minute slots in the kid's room.