Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I accidentally deleted the audio recording from Sunday! Never handle technology until you've had a cup of coffee! Sorry for the inconvenience!

Here is the link... http://ncctacoma.podomatic.com/

Friday, February 12, 2010

Prophetic Seminar- Tomorrow!

Join us as NCC hosts a seminar on the prophetic, February 13, 9:00-3:30. Sam Poe will be giving a very practical teaching/workshop on the biblical basis and use of the prophetic in the church.

Teaching will include:
The Nature of Prophecy, the Ministry of the Prophet in the New Testament Church, the Primary Purpose of Prophecy, Prophecy in the Gathering, and Weighing Prophecy.

Lunch will be included.

Let us know if you can make it!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Super Bowl Party!

Just a reminder... This Sunday we are gathering at 3:30 for a Super Bowl Party. Bring some food to share. We will provide drinks, cups, plates, bowls and utensils. Don't forget to bring a friend or two as well!

There will be a room set-up on the side for kids. They will watch a movie and play games. Parents will be asked to share the responsibility of looking after them.