Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Please Read!

I wanted to follow up my Sunday message with a few thoughts on Joining the Church.

1. We are asking for all of you to come Thursday, June 3rd at 6:30 pm at Central Lutheran. We don't want to assume anything... if you were one of the original 8 adults on the church planting team or you came for the first time last week, we would like for you to be there. I know many of you have served and loved the church so well and we're not diminishing what you've done at all, we just want to take another step forward and call people to once again declare their commitment to NCC. Please RSVP to me so we can make sure we have enough food for everyone!

If you can't make it that night but want to state your intention please let me know.

2. We plan on running a Joining the Church night four times a year from here on out. We will have the booklets available for people who come and want to know more about who we are and how they can get involved.

3. By attending the night you are not necessarily stating your intentions to join NCC. The night will consist of dinner, a short time of clarification on our distinctive's as a local church, and hopefully a sufficient question and answer time. We would ask that you read the booklet before the evening and write down any questions you may have. We will then give you a chance to respond by filling out a card. We hope that your hearts are joined to what we are doing, but if not, no worries, we would love for you to continue to attend NCC gatherings or perhaps we can help you find a church that better suits you.

If you did not pick up a manual on Sunday night and would like one sooner than this coming Sunday, please email me and I will send you an electronic copy. If you didn't hear the message from Sunday you may find it helpful to listen to that as well.

Please do prayerfully consider coming along on Thursday, June 3rd at 6:30 pm (Central Lutheran)! Hope to see you all there.

On His Mission,

Bo Noonan

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pray and Eat!

Husbands, your wife going to the Women's Conference? Come and pray at 6pm at Central Lutheran. Bring the kids. We'll eat pizza after the prayer meeting!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

NCC Camping Trip

The NCC Summer Camping Trip will be June 25-27 at Kopachuck State Park (in rural Gig Harbor). This year we will have a group site that is more private than previous years. Once again the cost will be very low and will prove to be a great time of hanging out and getting to know each other. More details will be released soon, but please do save the date!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Impact the World Around You and Beyond

The third element of making/becoming a disciple of Jesus is impacting the world around you and beyond. The Bible is clear that God's plan of redemption includes all that he created. He has commissioned us to make disciples of all nations, all people groups, and history as we know it culminates in a new heaven and a new earth. Jesus isn't kidding when he said, "I am making everything new!"(Revelation 21:5)

He is uniting the nations as one new race on the earth, many different languages, many different colors, but all raised to life in Christ Jesus! A forgiven and commissioned people! With our chains held high, we march on the world proclaiming the best news an ear could hear. All disciples of Jesus are called to make an impact on the world around them and beyond.

In the diagram below, you see that all societies on the earth have these domains. When trying to sort out where we should start this mission we can become overwhelmed. Engaging in these domains simplifies how we do this. You may be a teacher, a nurse, or a banker, all of which, in reality, are mission fields. This puts a new perspective on Monday mornings.

We no longer have to just punch in and punch out, rather we live as a missionary (def. one sent with authority) to our domains. Sure we want to live that way in our neighborhoods as well, but the beauty of the domain you work in is that people all over the world are working in that same domain. This gives you an opportunity to have a global impact! Currently, some of the most effective kingdom proclaimers are not 'traditional missionaries', rather businessmen, ambassadors, teachers, and doctors. They have a lot easier access to nations that 'missionaries' might not have. They also relate to people a lot easier as they engage them in their domain. Then as life happens, the opportunities come to demonstrate and proclaim the kingdom of God.

When you engage in disciple making, make it clear that they weren't saved for themselves, rather for God's global mission! Train them to clearly communicate God's redemptive plan (see our podcast for a series called The Story). Practice communicating grace and mercy. The more confident you are in communicating something, the more likely you will actually spit it out when opportunity arises... and trust me, the opportunity will always arise. All humans are wired to try to figure out meaning.

Let's go for it! What if we were a church that made disciples?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Transformation Teams

This summer you all have a great opportunity to serve other Newfrontiers churches in the US! Transformation Teams are being formed now to serve churches in Chicago, St. Louis, and Joplin, MO.... not to mention Tacoma! If you are interested in joining one of these teams check out this link.

As far as the team coming to Tacoma goes....

We will need people to house the out of town team members.
We will need help with the outreach we are doing (especially at the Freedom Fair!)

Please consider giving your time and resources to serving one of these churches!
