Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Upcoming Events! Please Mark Your Calendars!

We have an exciting week ahead! So much going on at New Community Church. Not only do Small Groups start, but we have the Transformation Team arriving!

Thursday, July 1

The Transformation Team arrives...

Friday, July 2

-The Transformation Team will be in training at Central Lutheran from 9 am to 5 pm.

-Prayer meeting at 6-7 pm at Central Lutheran

Saturday, July 3

-Free Family Carnival at Wright Park - 10 am - 2 pm (invite all your friends!)Bouncy castle, hot dogs, games, prizes, magic, and more...

-Joint Worship Gathering with Church at Cedar Springs (click for directions) in Graham - 5:30-8:30 (We will be BBQing, there will be child care and fun for the kids, worship and preaching from Jeff Gates)

Sunday, July 4

-Freedom Fair on Ruston Way - 10am-10pm (if you'd like to watch the fireworks with people in the church meet a the NCC booth at 7:30 pm)

-No Sunday Meeting at Central Lutheran (the church has left the building!)

You are all invited to be apart of as much of this as you want. We really encourage you to come out to Graham and meet new friends, eat and worship with the Church at Cedar Springs.

Please also pray that we would see lives supernaturally changed as we engage the city with the gospel.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or if you'd like to volunteer for anything we're doing.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Few Things...

1. There will not a be a prayer meeting this Friday night. (June 25th) A lot of people will be away at the camping trip.

2. If you haven't returned your Joining the Church response card yet please bring it on Sunday. You can just put it in the offering box.

3. If you have any questions about the Holy Spirit please feel free to email me and I will do my best to answer them on Sunday, via email, or one on one.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Small Group Registration

This Sunday we will be announcing our Summer Small Group Tracks! You will also have a chance to register for one. The main themes of the summer are having fun and gathering people. Each group will exist to build community through BBQ's, hikes, fun in the park, kickball, etc... And to invite friends, family and neighbors into a 'non-churchy' environment. Please come on Sunday to hear more!!!

Also, don't forget prayer on Friday night from 6 pm-7 pm. David and Clare Andrews will be with us from Brighton, England. It will be a great chance to hear from them about what God has put in their hearts and for us to pray for them. We will gather at Central Lutheran.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wild Goose Chase

Mark Batterson writes, "Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit–An Geadh-Glas, or ‘the Wild Goose.’ The name hints at mystery." This coming Sunday, June 13th, we will embark on the chase. We will preach a series on the Holy Spirit called the Wild Goose Chase and together pursue the mystery of God's Holy Spirit indwelling in mere human beings.

The series will begin with a broad scope of God's presence with His people throughout history and what that means for us now and will end with narrowing in on the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to believers to equip them for the mission we have been called to.

I know this series will bring up quite a few questions, hence the mystery, and I will do my best to answer them each week. I encourage you to write down your questions on your connect cards and before each sermon I will try my best to address them. (No worries, you will remain anonymous.) If I can't get to them on a Sunday, I will respond to them via email or in person. If I plan on covering that question in a sermon I will let you know which sermon it will be covered in.

Our desire at NCC is to NOT pay lip service to the Holy Spirit, but to acknowledge, pursue and delight in the person of the Holy Spirit. I want to invite you to come with open hearts as we unpack the scriptures and chase the goose!

Perhaps you have a friend that would be interested in this series. Please invite them along!