Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Opportunities to Serve at McCarver Elementary!

Hello NCC,

Thanks for taking an interest in serving McCarver Elementary School. We,the FYT (Frontier Year Team), have been there regularly for the past month, interacting with children who, despite lack of resources, have all been happy, lively and kind hearted. The fact that some of these children go home to impoverished or difficult homes, yet put on brave smiles at school, really makes us want to serve them more!

If you are looking for ways to volunteer, please see the opportunities below:

In October classes will begin after school for children to study and catch up on homework. The lady in charge of these, Nicole, is looking for volunteers from 4-5:30 pm to come to the school and help tutor .

The school is also in need of adults to monitor recess. Recesses run in half hour increments from 11:30 am-1:30 pm, outdoors when the weather is fine. Caleb and Matt have been enjoying themselves greatly playing soccer with the young lads, while Karissa has been supervising playground equipment.

More opportunities will soon be opened! If you want to serve the school and, through McCarver, reach the city of Tacoma please contact us!

The FYT, Caleb, Matt and Karissa

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Celebration at McCarver!

McCarver Elementary School Reunion
Page Content
Barbecue celebrating McCarver’s past and its future, as led by the Zina Linnik Project, will be held Sept. 25 from noon to 3 p.m.
City of Tacoma’s Alisa O’Hanlon said the construction of Zina Linnik Park brought about a coalition involving Tacoma Public Schools, Metro Parks, Tacoma City Council, Washington state legislature, local business leaders, university students and community leaders.
“Those of us who were part of McCarver ‘back in the day’ know how special and unique it was. We see the same extraordinary experience for students in the Zina Linnik Project,” said O’Hanlon.
Current and former McCarver teachers and students, their families and community members are invited to share old memories, tour the school and learn more about the Zina Linnik project. For more information, contact O’Hanlon at 253-591-5310.

NCCers, it would be great to have a representation there. This is a great opportunity to see the school, network with others who love the school, and look for more opportunities for us to serve. Hope you can make it!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Technical Problem - SG Sign Ups

In our attempts to advance in technology we have realized a glitch in our on-line sign up option. If you have signed up for a small group track online and you did not fill in every option (name, phone number, email) then you are actually not on the list. The system will not just process name only. So sorry for this inconvenience, but if you registered online and you think you didn't fill out all the blanks, please register again. There is no harm in double registering... so better safe than sorry.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week of Prayer!

We are very excited for this upcoming week of prayer. From Tuesday, September 21 to Sunday, September 26 we will have regular times of prayer together. I want to challenge you to come to at least one of the gatherings. We certainly don't expect that all of you will make it to all the gatherings (although don't let that stop you!), but we also know that it's good for us to come before God together as His people and to seek His kingdom. We will spend time worshiping Jesus, asking for breakthrough in certain areas, asking for His blessing on this city, and for cities beyond. In fact, on Sunday we are joining with people from all over the world to pray for Zimbabwe! We will have videos from church leaders in Zimbabwe, statistics, and hear their plan to see a nation restored.

Here is the schedule for the week....

Tues: 6:30-7:30 am and 6:00-7:00 pm at Central Lutheran
Wed: 6:00-7:00 pm at Central Lutheran
Thurs: 6:00-7:00 pm at Central Lutheran (WOMEN ONLY)
Fri: 6:30-7:30 am and 6:00-7:00 pm at Central Lutheran
Sat: No planned gatherings
Sun: 4:00 pm at Central Lutheran

Friday, September 10, 2010

Calling All Artists!

Calling all artists! If you like to paint, draw, doodle, or etch-a-sketch, we need your help. We will be starting a new series walking through the Gospel of John and would like to feature your artwork for our sermon series.

Here's your assignment:
Step 1: Read through the Gospel of John.
Step 2: Look for a passage that stands out to you (it could be from the opening, narratives, healing encounters, Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit, His prayer for unity, wherever).
Step 3: Create some art for that passage.
Step 4: Digitize it. (scan it, take a high-quality picture, etc.)
Step 5: Send it to us (info@ncctacoma.org) along with a description of your work including the passage that inspired it.

We'd like to have these by October 1.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Follow the Church in Zezi, Zimbabwe

Marlene Poe just sent me a link that I wanted to share with all of you. There is a blog that updates and informs about the happenings with Crossroads Community Church in Kezi, Zimbabwe. This is the church that Sam and Marlene (and all of us) have been helping to plant there. Click on the link and become a follower of the blog!

Crossroads Community Church Blog

Also, if you would like to receive emails on how you can specifically pray for Sam and Marlene as they return to Zimbabwe email Wes Swarthout.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Small Group Registration!

At New Community Church we absolutely love and value small groups! We are really excited about the five small group tracks being launched the week of September 27-October 1. Please follow the link below to learn more about the small group tracks being offered this fall and to REGISTER! Yes, that's right, we are offering online registration. If you registered on Sunday you DO NOT have to re-register online. If you can't remember if you did or didn't, just register online.

Also, if you missed Sunday's meeting, the message was on the importance of small groups. Please listen in on the audio for some inspiration!

To Register:

To Listen to the Message:

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Update On McCarver Elementary

We are off to a great start with McCarver Elementary. I can't tell you how impressed I've been with those who have served with such joyful hearts! Thank you so much! I know many of you have been praying and please continue to pray. Today is their first day of school!!!

Tuesday night's Back-To-School Ice Cream social went great. The staff were so grateful for our involvement in distributing uniforms and serving ice cream. In years past, the teachers were required to rotate into the uniform room and serve ice cream, which took them away from connecting with their new students and families/guardians. We had way more people than we needed for the job, but it sent a message to the school that we are all in!

By going to the community, we were able to collect a ton of school supplies and uniforms! It was a great return on taking a stroll down your streets and knocking on a few doors! The staff felt very confident that the supplies would be enough for a long time.

On Wednesday, a group of NCCers went over to McCarver to serve the teachers and staff lunch. This was their last planning day before the students returned and we felt it would be nice to let them know we were standing with them. Alexander Goeting made pulled pork, which was unreal, and we served chicken and salad as well. Each teacher received a business card from us with an encouragement to call us if they need anything.

We found out something very interesting while we were there. There is a group of teachers who have gathered before school to pray for the school. I couldn't help but feel that we were one answer to their prayers. I also can't help but wonder what God is up to!? So exciting.

Next week the three Year Teamers, Karissa, Matt and Caleb, will meet with the guidance counselor and find ways to serve on a regular basis. Please know though that this is not reserved to the Year Team. If you have time to tutor, monitor a recess, help with lunch, or whatever, please let us know!

So proud to serve with such a wonderful group of people! Thank you so much!