Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Frist Friday! - Part 2

I'm so excited about the upcoming First Friday which is this Friday, December 3rd at 6 pm. Lee Yarborough will be with us. He's been pioneering and leading for decades in Mexico and beyond. He will share his wisdom on what it takes to be a leader in the church, and beyond. Please consider coming along!

Dinner will be served right at 6 pm. Childcare will be available.

We will gather at Central Lutheran in the Fireside Room (the one that is usually off limits, just past the bathrooms on the basement level).

For food sake, please RSVP by emailing me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Christmas Shopping?

There is a new feature to our website... an online store! We have loaded it up with recommended books and albums. We hope that your find these resources helpful and encouraging.

There is another aspect to this online store though. The store is made possible by a program that Amazon.com provides. Everything you purchase through our store is actually purchased through Amazon.com. You get their same low prices and shipping rates... and .... NCC gets a small percentage of the sale. Basically, Amazon.com sees us as an advertisement for them and therefore compensates us accordingly. We are essentially just recommending some resources for you.

Here's the even cooler deal! If you enter into Amazon.com through our website, but decide to move from purchasing a helpful book on marriage and decide to buy a 56 inch flat screen TV, we still get the compensation! As long as you enter into Amazon.com through our website we get credit for it.

So if you plan on doing some Christmas shopping through Amazon.com, why not enter through our site and support the mission?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Friday!

I can't express how excited I am about the upcoming First Friday which is this Friday night at Central Lutheran 6pm. The bottom line is we have a leadership crisis in our culture. We see this in church, but it's not isolated to just church. It's found in households, cities, the workplace, and in our nation. First Fridays serves as an opportunity for us to come and eat, worship, pray and talk about what it means for us to be leaders. All are welcome, as all are called to lead! We want to feed you and need to know how many of you are coming so please RSVP be emailing me.