Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Map to Stadium

Well, one more week at Central Lutheran! I found Aaron Scott's word about God being our dwelling place to be so helpful! We find life, meaning, mission, hope and security in God, not in a building or a meeting. So here we go...

Joining the Church -Thursday, January 27th, 6 pm at Central Lutheran If you haven't checked out a Joining the Church night we highly recommend it. Attending doesn't mean you've signed you life away, just come and hear our heart and ask any questions you might have. Also, dinner is served so please RSVP to me.

Sunday, January 30th at Central Lutheran at 4 pm - Our last Sunday gathering at Central Lutheran. I will be preaching from John 6 on Jesus walking on water.

Friday, February 4th at 6 pm at Central Lutheran - First Friday - Come for dinner, leadership training, prayer and worship! Might be our most important one yet!

Sunday, February 6th at Stadium High School at 10 am - This is an open house... we will set up the kids rooms and the stage for worship, then gather for worship and prayer. You are welcome to come at 8:30 am to help the process if you'd like. Again, not a great Sunday to invite your friends too, however if they really want to come, then so be it!

Super Bowl Party! - Central Lutheran at 3:30 pm - Bring your best chile, meatballs, dip, etc... We will have a big potluck party. NCC will provide drinks and plates and utensils. If you are looking for comfort, feel free to bring your couch!

Sunday, February 13, 20, 27 - Gathering at Stadium High School at 10 am. We will continue to work through the Gospel of John.

March 4-5 Reformed, Charismatic, Missional Conference at Central Lutheran (in the main sanctuary).

Sunday, March 6th at 4pm - Joint Meeting with Cedar Springs (Newfrontiers Church in Graham) Terry Virgo will be preaching, baptisms and BBQ! If you'd like to be baptized, or know more about what that means, please contact me. At this point, Stadium High School has informed us that the Performing Arts Center is not available for us that morning, so this will be our only meeting that Sunday.

Sunday, March 13th at Stadium at 10 am - Start a new series, either called A Series of Uncomfortable Subjects or The Elephant in the Room, not sure yet. Rest assured, it will be gnarly. Stuff like, Sex, Money, Religion, Politics, you know... This is a great chance to invite any and all! Please be in prayer, asking the Spirit to lead you to people to invite to this series.

I am praying for each one of you in this transition. May we move forward together with courage and faith!

With Love,

Bo Noonan

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Friday!

It's that time again! First Friday is this Friday, January 7th at 6 pm. It will be a great time to eat together, pray together, worship together, and grow in leadership together. Please be there!

We need to know if you are coming so we can have enough food. Email Michael Gray if you can make it!

This is one of the most exciting times in our young church's history. Our prayer is that move forward together!