Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What's Happening at NCC?

We are always trying to find affective ways to communicate what's going on at NCC... So I decided I would try and send out the weekly announcements via video for a while. Hope it helps!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Reminder: Picnic on Sunday!

Just a reminder that we will gather immediately after the meeting at Wright Park for a picnic. Bring a lunch for you and your family, games to play and a change of clothes if you decide to go in the spray park! Hope to see you all there!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Church Picnic! - Sunday, May 29th

Memorial Day weekend is quickly approaching! We want to invite you, your family, and anyone else you know to come and join us at Wright Park immediately after our Sunday gathering on Sunday, May 29th for a picnic. We will gather where we hosted the Easter Egg Hunt, next to the children's playground. If the weather is nice there is a spray park there as well for the kids... and the kids at heart.

Please bring lunch for you and your family, plates, utensils, drinks, lawn chairs or blankets, and any games you'd like to share (ie lawn darts, football, baseball gloves and ball, frisbee)

We are not aloud to put stakes in the ground or use propane grills, so best to stick with a picnic lunch.

Hopefully the weather is good, but if it's raining the hard core Tacomans can still go for it! Others may want to just go home though.

Friday, May 13, 2011

McCarver Elementary Performance

There has been a change in plans for the McCarver school play. They are working with the Missoula Children's Theater to put on a production that should prove to be very entertaining. There will only be one production this Saturday (May 14) at 2 pm. We have the volunteers needed for the show so we're just asking that you consider attending the show! It will be free and family friendly. Here is a link to the school where you can find directions....


Hope you can make it!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Baby Dedications

At NCC we truly believe that babies are a gift from God and therefore we declare our trust in Him by dedicating our babies. This Sunday, which happens to be Mother's Day, we will be having Baby Dedications. If you have not already signed up to have your baby dedicated please do so by emailing Bo Noonan. If you are not sure about this and would like to ask some questions please feel free to do so by emailing Bo as well.

The Baby Dedications will take place right after the worship (singing) time at our usual Sunday gathering at Stadium High School.

First Friday - May 6

Just a reminder that First Friday is this Friday at 6:00 pm at Central Lutheran! Hope you all can make it! First Friday is a monthly gathering where we eat, worship, pray and do some teaching on leadership. It's also a great time of looking forward to what God is leading us into. We feel that this is for EVERYONE! We encourage you to come along. Childcare will be provided and so will food, so please RSVP so we have enough. RSVP by emailing Michael Gray.