Friday, September 23, 2011

Baptisms and BBQ

Join us on Sunday, October 2, 6 pm, at Central Lutheran Church for BBQ and Baptisms as we celebrate what God has done among us! If you are interested in being baptized, contact Bo Noonan.

As for the BBQ, New Community will provide the meat & buns, plates, drinks, cups & utensils. We're asking everyone to bring a dish to share based on their last name: Side Dish (A-M), Dessert (N-Z).

Please RSVP to Michael Gray.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Ladies Night Out Details

Come join the ladies at the Church at Cedar Springs on Friday, September 23. Take the time to get to know each other and enjoy finger foods and entertainment. The night will end with worship and prayer. Free lattes from 6:30-7 with activities from 7-9PM. Let us know on a connect card if you want to carpool to the Cedar Springs building in Graham (13314 224th St. E., Graham, WA 98338).

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Friday - Sept 9th

As Summer comes to a close, not weather wise of course, there is a real sense that as a church we are entering into a new season! It was a very exciting Summer at NCC as we blessed Tacoma, saw many new people join the church, and enjoyed some good old-fashioned fellowship!

I want to strongly encourage you to come this Friday to Central Lutheran at 6 pm for First Friday. We will spend quite a bit of time talking about Community Groups and the way forward through the Fall and Winter. Not to mention, we will eat together, worship together and pray together.

Please do RSVP so we know how much food to have. Really hope to see you all there!