Friday, December 30, 2011

Bible Reading Plans

Hey all,

Tis the season to start your Bible Reading Plan! Remember, this an opportunity to learn about how much God loves you, not to earn love from God! Here is a link to a website with several different options. Go for it!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hello NCC!

Hope you are all taking time out to celebrate the birth of Jesus, enjoy family and friends, and get some rest. Hopefully, you all know by now that we will be gathering at Stadium High on Christmas Eve for our first ever Candlelight Service! The musicians and others are working hard to put together an amazing night of carols and the Christmas story. We've heard there may even be a trumpeter involved! Hope you can make it and invite some friends and family to celebrate with us.

Christmas and News Years Day fall on a Sunday this year. We will not be gathering on Christmas Day as it seems cruel and unusual to have the set-up team at Stadium at 8:15 on Christmas morning. That would definitely put us on the 'naughty' list! We will move our gathering on January 1st back to an 11 am start time (9:15 for the set-up team) and finish at 12 pm.

Due to this unusual schedule, we would ask that you would consider mailing in your tithe check since we will not have the offering boxes out on Christmas Eve. We have been amazed at how God has provided for this church through you all! Well done for being so faithful! Having said that, we are in a month to month financial situation and it wouldn't be wise for us to miss a week or two of receiving an offering. Checks can be mailed to:

New Community Church
409 N. Tacoma Ave
Tacoma, WA 98403

We thank God for all of you!

Merry Christmas,

Bo, Wes and Sam

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Let's Party!!!

We are really excited about the upcoming Christmas Party! We will eat together, play together, celebrate together, and raise funds for McCarver Elementary! Please consider inviting friends, workmates, family, and neighbors.

Here are the details...

When: Friday, December 16th 6:30 - 8:30
Where: McCarver Elementary (2111 S. J St, Tacoma, WA 98405)

Suggested donation of $10 a person or $20 a family - All proceeds will go to McCarver Elementary.

RSVP here so we know how much food to prepare. Hope to see you all there!