Monday, April 9, 2007

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is more popular today than ever. Two of the top grossing films in recent years have Jesus at the center of them, The Passion of the Christ and The Da Vinci Code. Kanye West featured Jesus in his hit single "Jesus Walks". Jesus has made recent appearances on The Simpsons and South Park. Will Ferrell's character in Talladega Nights prays to the 8 lb. 6 oz. baby Jesus. You can find the slogan "Jesus is My Homeboy" on hats and t-shirts all over the world.

More songs have been written about him than any other person and more paintings have been painted of him than any other figure in history. Why? He grew up in a blue-collar family, never held political office, never traveled to a major city, never wrote a book, and yet no one has affected history as much as he has.

Who is this Jesus? Please join us on Sunday as we explore this question.

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