Friday, May 25, 2007

Some Resources for NCC

Recently a new website was launched by Terry Virgo, the founder of Newfrontiers, which includes several valuable resources. Not only does it include information on who we are as a family of churches, but also includes Bible study guides and audio resources. I want to encourage all of you to take the time to check them out.

The current Bible Insight series will help you understand what Paul meant when he said we 'reign in life'. (Romans 5:17) Here is an excerpt from the first study...

We ‘reign in life’. ‘We are more than conquerors.’ ‘He always leads us in triumph.’ These truths strike a chord in your heart. ‘Yes,’ you say to yourself, ‘that’s what I’m meant to be – on top reigning in life. If only it were true.

In the resource section you will find helpful biblical teaching including a series on Romans that will help you understand God's grace in greater measure.

I want to whole heartily recommend this resource to all of you. I believe it will help us as we begin to establish a church(es) where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pentecost Sunday

This coming Sunday is known around the Christian world as Pentecost Sunday. Funny enough the Alpha talk for Sunday is 'Who is the Holy Spirit?' We had no intentions of matching the day with the talk, but hey. Many churches all over the world will be celebrating this historical event where God poured out His Holy Spirit on a small group of people and the world was never the same again.

I know that there is a lot of contreversy surrounding the topic. I believe it's because there is a lack of teaching on the person of the Holy Spirit, what the Holy Spirit does, and how we can be filled with the Holy Spirit. Please join us as we take the next three Sundays to examine this important subject.

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. - Romans 5:5

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My 15 Minutes...

Last week while updating our blog at the Mandolin I was approached by a reporter who wanted to know what people were up to on their laptops. The write up was in the Sunday News Tribune.

For what it's worth I want to thank Joseph Montes (the reporter) for including the statement, "Our plan is to establish a church where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God." Very timely as we began to unpack our vision at In.Vision on Sunday night. As a result of this article/blurb a whole lot of folks in Tacoma now know our vision.

The paper itself included a picture... for some reason my mug didn't make it on the web... please hold your comments.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This Sunday....

This Sunday we will pick up the Alpha course with "How Does God Guide Us?" When people find out we moved to Tacoma from Boston they all want to know how we knew it was the right thing to do. That's a great question! This Sunday we will look at how God guides us primarily out of relationship with Him and what that looks like.

Please also note that Sunday night is our first In.Vision night! The leadership team and I are really excited about these nights. Bring a friend along to hear and see where we're going as a church. I look forward to seeing you there at 5:30 pm at 711 St. Helens. (Childcare is provided.)

“The great and constant danger is that we should be content with something which is altogether less than that intended for us.” - Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

You say you want a mini-revolution...

I am happy to announce that we continue to make progress in our endeavour to see a church established! An important part of church life is training and equipping our children for the life Jesus has call them to. To help us in this mission we are launching a new curriculum for our children's ministry. Malena Swarthout, our NCC Kids director, and her team have decided to use My First Look as the tool to see kids come through to an authentic faith in Jesus. My First Look is designed to give preschool children a first impression of their loving heavenly Father. The concept is that children will be taught that God made them, God loves them, and that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Another exciting aspect of the curriculum is that it also serves parents by giving them ways to engage their children in conversation at home.

As a leadership team we are very excited about seeing a new generation emerge to carry on the mission.

Please feel free to contact Malena with any questions on 'My First Look' or on ways you can get involved.