Friday, May 25, 2007

Some Resources for NCC

Recently a new website was launched by Terry Virgo, the founder of Newfrontiers, which includes several valuable resources. Not only does it include information on who we are as a family of churches, but also includes Bible study guides and audio resources. I want to encourage all of you to take the time to check them out.

The current Bible Insight series will help you understand what Paul meant when he said we 'reign in life'. (Romans 5:17) Here is an excerpt from the first study...

We ‘reign in life’. ‘We are more than conquerors.’ ‘He always leads us in triumph.’ These truths strike a chord in your heart. ‘Yes,’ you say to yourself, ‘that’s what I’m meant to be – on top reigning in life. If only it were true.

In the resource section you will find helpful biblical teaching including a series on Romans that will help you understand God's grace in greater measure.

I want to whole heartily recommend this resource to all of you. I believe it will help us as we begin to establish a church(es) where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God.

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