Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Newfrontiers Leaderership Conference

Newfrontiers, our family of churches, is hosting an international leaders conference in Brighton, England. The conference will be attended by thousands of leaders from Newfrontiers churches and other churches from all over the world. New Community Church will actually be serving the conference as our very own Sam Poe will be teaching a seminar! It's exciting to know that our church plant is being a blessing not only to Tacoma, but also to the nations. I will also have the opportunity to represent our church at Mobilise which is the part of the conference for people ages 18-30. We will have a booth with information about what we're doing in the Northwest. This means that thousands of people from all over the world will hear about our church plant! Please pray that God would stir other's hearts to join us here in our quest to reach not only the city of Tacoma but the Northwest and beyond.

This means that Sam and Marlene and Alexis and I will not be at our Sunday meetings on July 8th and July 15th. Don't worry, the meetings will go on!

I absolutely love the fact that we are a part of something way bigger than us!

The video below will help you all get a taste of what Newfrontiers is all about...

1 comment:

Brad said...

That was a really encouraging video, it's amazing to see how big God's vision is for the lost. I want to be apart of that.