Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Need the info....

Hello Church,

I wanted to take a moment to communicate a few things.

As you may have noticed we took down those walls, we have fixed up the new kids space (still wanting to put a bathroom in there), and we have a huge chalk board on the wall now! What's going on? Well, we are making more room for more people. By God's grace we continue to see new people on a regular basis which is extremely exciting. Our vision is to establish a church(es) where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God and for us to see this on a larger scale we need to make more room. We have a few more things to do before our space is finished: curtains, Waymond is working on some BIG decor, more chairs, and a sound system (no worries, it wont be overwhelming). We are currently working on all this and we should have it all finished within the next few weeks. By the way, a HUGE thank you to all who helped with the demolition and the painting and the mopping and the decorating and the... well you get the picture.

The reason we want to have all this done in the next few weeks is because we are aiming to swing the doors open wide on February 24th. We are going to have an outreach team with us for the week leading up to the 24th. Four guys from Silver Creek Fellowship in Silverton, OR are going to join us for the week to get the word out about who we are. We will produce a schedule soon and all are welcome to join in on anything these guys will be doing.

One month from February 24th is Easter Sunday. We will once again go for a BIG Sunday meeting that day. We will use Easter Sunday as an invitation to another Alpha Course which will begin the week after Easter. (More details to follow)

By the way, that BIG chalk board is going to serve as another medium for communicating all these upcoming events... and perhaps a few other things.

You may have also noticed that there is no prayer meeting tonight (Tuesday). We are changing our prayer meetings to once a month on Sunday nights. We will open it up more and it will now consist of worship, praying locally and praying globally... and of course we will continue to pray for the sick! At this point, the next prayer meeting is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, February 17th. (More info to follow)

You may be asking... "What Can I Do?" Great question!

We are still in need to kids workers. There are two ways you can serve the kids: we need classroom leaders (these people will use the curriculum to teach and train our little ones) and we need classroom assistants (these people will help the classroom leader with anything they need help with). Please contact Malena if you are interested.

We also need help with set-up and clean-up. Please let me know if you are interested in either of these.

We are moving ahead here! My prayer is that we move ahead together. Please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.

It's a real joy and a privilege to work with all of you!

Bo Noonan

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