Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Why We Do Alpha

We hope you're all ready for the launch of four exciting new small group tracks for the fall (for more info on each one please visit our website). Each day this week I will be sending out a promo for each one. Today's promo is for the Alpha Course.

Why do we do Alpha?

The Alpha Course is a basic introduction to the Christian faith that has been attended by over 11 million people world wide. The reason we do it here at NCC is that it's a great fit to the vision we have as a church. Our vision is to establish church(es) where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God. Alpha provides an excellent environment for people to hear about Jesus, ask questions about Jesus, and have their lives changed by Jesus.

We really want to encourage all of you who haven't taken the Alpha Course to sign up for the fall session. The Course is extremely helpful for those who wouldn't call themselves a Christian and for those who may have been a Christian for 20 years.

This track is open to all and will include childcare. Please do consider inviting your friends to the Alpha Banquet which will be on Wednesday, September 17th at 6:30 pm at 711 St. Helens. This is the first night and will include dinner, a short talk and dessert. The remaining 9 evenings (all on Wednesday) and one Saturday morning, will include dinner, a short talk, and time for discussion. (Spanish translation available.)

You can sign up for the course on Sunday morning, or send us an email to let us know you're coming!

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