Friday, June 26, 2009

Worship, Prayer and the Lord's Supper

This Sunday, June 28th at 10 am we will gather to worship, pray and take the Lord's supper. We will gather at 711 St. Helens. This is such an important time for us at NCC. Please come along as we seek God and ask him to do what we can't do on our own!

There will be childcare. Parents will be asked to sign up for a 20 minute time slot.


Flatspot said...

fao - bo noonan...its andy here from the in andy and amy. i lost your email address from my computere and i wanted to email you to see whats happening and let you know what we are up to. andy (at) flatspot (dot) com

Flatspot said... hopefully you see this comment and get in touch it would be great to hear from you - andy!