Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where to next?

Where do you go after preaching through a 28 part series on the whole Bible? Well, this week we have the privilege of having Dave Devenish with us. He will wrap up the From the Nations, to the Nations Conference with a message for New Community Church. The following week we will embark on a journey through the book of Ephesians.

The Apostle Paul wrote this letter from prison with the hopes of it getting circulated around to as many churches as possible. Fortunately for us, the 21st century church, it has been preserved in Scripture and continues to lay solid foundations.

This series will change us and challenge us as we look at what the church is supposed to be. In an age where the church appears to be loosing ground here in the United States, it is time for us to rise up and shine.

I can't wait to get into Ephesians. Please consider inviting friends and family, and pray that Jesus would continue to build his church here in Tacoma.

For His Glory,


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