Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Important Building Update

I am fully aware that it has been a while since we talked about the proposed building rental and I do apologize. Here is the latest...

The downtown building located at South 13th and Tacoma seems to no longer be an option for us. In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving talks slowed down and we were wondering what was going on. At the same time we were growing in NCC Kids. We had over 30 kids for three weeks straight. (Praise God!) We quickly did some math on the new building and began to see that the kids rooms would only hold about 40-45 kids. This made us a little nervous. At the same time, the owner of the building decided he would like to finish the building and wait to see if he could get a better offer. They said they would keep us in mind in the coming months, but for now they would like to wait.

In the mean time, we decided to go ahead and move out of 711 St. Helens. That space has served us well, but now that we don't use it on Sunday we don't feel like it's worth the cost. This may cause some inconvenience as it has been helpful to have a central gathering space for mid-week events, prayer, and an office. We do feel it is best to store up some money with the hopes of having a 24/7 spot very soon. Please continue to pray in that direction. Our last day there is January 15th. If you have anything stored there please contact me so we can get it to you. In the mean time everything will be stored in the Hampton's basement. (So grateful for their generosity!)

We know it is God's heart to move powerfully in this city and we want to be a part of that! Let's keep pressing on into the purposes of God. The future is more glorious than the past!

With love,

Bo Noonan

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