The three crucial elements of discipleship are: 1) Interactive Relationship with God, 2) Transparent Connections with other Disciples (Christians), and 3) Impact the World Around You and Beyond. I'll post on each one separately.
Interactive Relationship With God
Becoming a disciple of Jesus and making a disciple of Jesus is first and foremost about Jesus becoming our Savior, Lord and the thing we treasure more than anything else in this life. In the Old Testament one of the ways God revealed himself was as El Shaddai, which can be translated, God the Enough. Is Jesus enough? This is a great question to ask ourselves and those we are discipling into Jesus.
Jesus doesn't become ultimate in our lives just through intellectual ascent. We can study the Scriptures and find his value, but we must also experience it in our lives. We must, as the Psalmist implores us to do, "taste and see that the Lord is good." (Psalm 34:8) I love this invitation!
How do we get to this place?
1) God's Holy Bible -
The Bible is the primary authority in our lives. It is everything we need to know about God, but certainly not everything there is to know about God. It shows the proven track record of God with His people. It shows us that God is the great Sovereign, the great King of all. It clearly lays out who we are in Christ. It tells us of the character and the attributes of God. The Bible is the history of redemption. It is totally God-breathed and all scriptures are useful for our lives.
But if we're honest, there are some portions of scripture that are difficult to understand. Below are some helpful tools to help us understand the scriptures. Remember, the primary lens that we must read the Bible through is God's plan of redemption. It is the central theme of the Bible. Everything in the Old Testament is a spotlight that shines toward a redeemer and everything in the New Testament shows us that Redeemer and the implication this Redeemer has on us. Teach people to love this gift. Teach people to hear God through His word, and to apply it to their lives. As they do, they will taste and see that He is good and enter into this interactive relationship with Him.
Helpful tools -
A Good Study Bible - NIV Study Bible or ESV Study Bible
A Good Reading Plan - Click here for multiple options, I really like this one (it has a plan if you fall behind a little)
Other Resources - How to Read the Bible For All it's Worth and New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition (There are a ton of other resources out there, these are very helpful for all to have on their bookshelves though.)
2) Through your life -
Paul simply says, 'imitate me'. 2 Corinthians 3 talks about us being letters of recommendations! We 'recommend' this new covenant of grace. As you shine with the glory of the Lord you lead people into worship and an interactive relationship with God. Be open about how you relate to God and what that looks like. This is how I pray, this is what my personal times of worship are like, this is what I do in the corporate times of worship, this is how I listen to God. Your life will demonstrate how to have an interactive relationship with God.
Then ask lot's and lot's of questions. Asking questions demonstrates that you care and are interested in that person. It will also help you gauge where that person is in this interactive relationship with God. I find it very peculiar when I meet with someone who wants to be 'discipled' and they never ask questions. It makes me wonder if they really want my input, or if their hiding something, or they want to prove to me how much they know. Both parties need to be open and honest about everything. This is life on life. This is Jesus' model of discipleship.
Jesus was a great question asker and the disciples asked Jesus some great questions too (and some dumb ones, which is helpful!). This is how we value people and train people.
Your life will show people how to have an interactive relationship with God. Like the Psalmist, we can invite people to taste and see that the Lord is good... through our lives. Does your life say Jesus is enough?
3) Worship, Worship, Worship!
Worship literally means to 'shape-worth' in something. It helps put everything in perspective. We need to discipline ourselves to worship in all situations. Worship puts everything in the right perspective. It was David's worship and understanding of God that killed Goliath. He knew who God was and he knew how God felt about His people... and then he acted on it.
Worship is not only for the tough times though. In the good times worship helps us to not grow self-righteous. We continue to ascribe worth to God, the maker of Heaven and Earth at all times. Worship is our primary calling as Christians. One day missions will end, but worship will never cease. As we declare the awesomeness of God in our lives, we really begin to taste and see!
One way to do this is to buy worship CD's, turn the volume up so you can't hear yourself sing, and let it rip. I mean really go for it. Know that God loves it when we come to him with nothing in our hands, without fear, without insecurity, but as His kids. Some people talk about having 'quiet times' with God... that's okay sometimes, but what about 'loud times' with God?
Finally, remember we are all in process. The grace of God is sufficient in all times. Walk through life with people. One sure way to lose a person is to run way ahead of them, they'll stop trying to keep up! We wouldn't teach kids to dunk a basketball before we teach them how to dribble, pass and make a lay up. Lay the foundation of grace in the person so they know where they stand before God and how they got into that place. Otherwise, we can easily lead people in legalism and striving. Enjoy the process of growing together!
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