Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Opportunities to Serve at McCarver Elementary!

Hello NCC,

Thanks for taking an interest in serving McCarver Elementary School. We,the FYT (Frontier Year Team), have been there regularly for the past month, interacting with children who, despite lack of resources, have all been happy, lively and kind hearted. The fact that some of these children go home to impoverished or difficult homes, yet put on brave smiles at school, really makes us want to serve them more!

If you are looking for ways to volunteer, please see the opportunities below:

In October classes will begin after school for children to study and catch up on homework. The lady in charge of these, Nicole, is looking for volunteers from 4-5:30 pm to come to the school and help tutor .

The school is also in need of adults to monitor recess. Recesses run in half hour increments from 11:30 am-1:30 pm, outdoors when the weather is fine. Caleb and Matt have been enjoying themselves greatly playing soccer with the young lads, while Karissa has been supervising playground equipment.

More opportunities will soon be opened! If you want to serve the school and, through McCarver, reach the city of Tacoma please contact us!

The FYT, Caleb, Matt and Karissa

1 comment:

court danielson said...

I'd love to help, guys. Maybe with recess on a Friday since I don't work until 2:30...and sometimes Tuesdays as well. That'd be great. Hit me up on Sunday. Courtney