Thursday, February 24, 2011


Dear Church,

I wanted to take a minute to express my gratitude to all of you. You all have been so impressive in this season of transition! Your hard work, combined with smiles and laughter, have served us as we have successfully moved into Stadium High School. I know there are always a few kinks to work out, but overall, we are ready to increase our presence and to extend the kingdom of God in Tacoma! Well done!!!!

A few practical things we can do as we move forward.

1. Please consider sitting on the bottom level. Our hope is that the bottom level would be 70% full before we start to sit in the upper level. The ushers will help with that 70% thing! This seems like a small thing, but it shows the visitors that we are together as a people and not just individuals scattered in a big venue.

2. Please also consider sitting toward the middle of the row. As visitors and others come late it's uncomfortable for them to skooch pass people to find a seat. So of course they don't... they just go sit on the outside of an unoccupied row. Again, our visitors have all the rights when they come... including where they want to sit. We would ask that our NCCers would serve them by sitting toward the middle.

Now, I certainly understand that moms with little ones want to sit up top for more space. Totally fine! These are not hard rules, just another opportunity for us to welcome new people and show the city we are a people reconciled to God and to each other.

Again, thanks so much for your hard work and prayers as we move forward. These are extremely exciting times. These are also extremely important times as we play our role in fulfilling the Great Commission!

For Him,


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