Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We Need Eggs!

Easter is coming! Now, I know that you know that Easter is not about bunnies and eggs, but do they know that? We are going to take the opportunity to invite the city to a Easter Egg Hunt at Wright Park on Saturday, April 23rd. This will be an excellent chance for us to provide some family fun for the city as well as invite them to our Easter gathering... where we'll let them in on the secret that Easter is not about bunnies and eggs.

We have already received over 2,000 plastic eggs for the event! Thank you all so much! We are hoping to have at least 5,000 eggs for the hunt. We also are asking for pre-wrapped candy to put inside the eggs. (For sanitation reasons we can't have non-wrapped candy) Please consider purchasing some eggs and candy for this amazing opportunity to serve the city!

Here are some websites that sell plastic eggs for next to nothing...

Oriental Trading

US Toy

If you know a better place, go for it! For candy, hard to beat Costco. Thanks!

A Response to Sunday

Dear Church,

I wanted to take a moment to comment on Sunday's gathering. I was pleased to see so many new faces, loved how the worship team lead us, and was surprised by my emotional response to the situation in the Middle-East.

I have spoken often about this family that has moved to a nation that has never had a Christian church in it's entire history. They are in great danger, but like Daniel in the den of lions they are perhaps in the safest place on earth, God's will.

This family has been shocked at the injustices toward women in this nation, especially toward the single mom's who have moved from Somalia to this nation to find work. These women have no voice, no advocate, no intercessor, and most likely never will unless someone steps outside of cultural boundaries and does something. Culturally they are the least of the least and are treated that way.

This is the part that killed me on Sunday, they don't have anyone to help care for their children while they go to work. Therefore, they tie their children together while they head out to work. A little while back the nation had flash floods and many of the children who were tied together drowned.

While trying to communicate this on Sunday a wave of emotions came over me that I have rarely experienced. I was more surprised than anyone that I was overcome like that. However, it was genuine and I pray that we would respond accordingly.

We are asking that you consider donating some money to this family who has rented a home for many of these refugee women and their children. They are hoping to rent another home soon. The children will be cared for in this home and the women will be treated with dignity. Another area of financial need is that this family had to quickly leave the country as civil war has broken out. They saw and heard gun fire and mortar fire. By God's grace they were able to get all their children and team out on time. If you've ever had to by a last minute plane ticket, you know it's not cheap. Money will go to them as well to help cover costs and hopefully also get them back into that nation.

We are a part of God's global Church, woven together for His renown. I love that so many of you carry that in your hearts as a reality. Let's be a part of extending God's Kingdom of justice, peace, righteousness and love to the dark corners of the earth. Will you help?

Thanks for being a great church!

Bo Noonan

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Why do we do Alpha?

The Alpha Course is a basic introduction to the Christian faith that has been attended by over 11 million people world wide. The reason we do it here at NCC is that it's a great fit to the vision we have as a church. Our vision is to establish church(es) where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God. Alpha provides an excellent environment for people to hear about Jesus, ask questions about Jesus, and have their lives changed by Jesus.

We really want to encourage all of you who haven't taken the Alpha Course to sign up for the Spring session. The Course is extremely helpful for those who wouldn't call themselves a Christian and for those who may have been a Christian for 20 years.

The Alpha Course is being held at the YMCA Morgan Family Branch on Pearl St. You DO NOT have to be a YMCA member to attend the Alpha Course. Childcare is provided for members and non-members for a small fee. Just check in at the information desk at the main entrance.

Dessert will be served, followed by a short talk, and then a time of discussion where no questions are off limits.

Please consider signing up for the Alpha Course! It begins Wednesday, March 23rd at 6:30 pm.

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Few Thoughts on This Sunday

We are very excited about this new series we are embarking on this Sunday. The topic should prove to live up to the series name: A Series of Uncomfortable Subjects, first up, hell. Some things to consider...

1. Prayerfully consider who you can invite. In my personal experience, every time I ask God to lead me to someone to invite, He does. He wants to build His church and He wants to use you and I. Exciting stuff!

2. Be on time. Here's why. Most visitors are at least on time if not 10 minutes early. They are concerned about finding parking and not sticking out by walking in late. Your role in this is to do the same. Come ready to say hi to someone new, sign your kids in if you have any, have a cup of coffee, and then find your way into the auditorium by 10 am at the latest. We are committed to starting on time and it's a little awkward when we start with hand full of people, mostly visitors, sitting in the auditorium. The visitors get really nervous at that point and begin to wonder if they're it!

3. Find a seat in the lower level and toward the middle of the aisle. This way late people don't have to climb over you to find a seat. It helps to sit close to others, you know, that whole 'they will know we are Christians by our love for one another' thing. We are fully aware that new people may want to sit by themselves and try and figure this whole thing out. One thing we would love them to see is how much love is in the place!

I love this church! Really looking forward to gathering to the Risen Savior with all of you! See you then!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Parent Resource

Just wanted to let you all know that the March NCC Kids resource is available for parents. Visit the NCC Kids site to download the resource.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Small Groups!

We are excited to announce the launch of SIX small group tracks starting the week of March 28th! Please click this link and sign up asap! Some of the groups have a max number of participants, so don't wait.

If you haven't been a part of the Alpha Course yet I want to encourage you to check it out. Alpha provides an opportunity for you to hear exactly what we believe at NCC and an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. Topics include Who is Jesus?, Why Did Jesus Die?, Who is the Holy Spirit?, How Can I be Filled With the Holy Spirit? and many more... It will be hosted at the YMCA Morgan Family Branch. Childcare is available for ages 6 months to 6 years for a small fee.

I can't tell you how important these small groups are for us as we move forward! These groups are open to all NCCers as well as anyone you may know who is wondering about God and the church. Please consider inviting your friends to engage with you in a small group track.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Series of Uncomfortable Subjects

I'm excited to announce that on Sunday, March 20th we will embark on a new four part series entitled A Series of Uncomfortable Subjects. The goal of this series is to talk about four subjects that are often considered controversial and, well, uncomfortable, and apply the gospel to each one. I am really looking forward to bringing a biblical perspective to each of the following:

1. Hell (March 20th)
2. Money (March 27th)

3. Politics (April 3rd)

4. Sex* (April 10th)

Be assured that we are gearing all of these messages to unbelievers as well as believers. This is a great opportunity to invite workmates, friends, neighbors, and family. Although there may be some shocking things mentioned about these subjects, the goal is never to just shock people, rather to bring them to a place of worship of Jesus. That's our prayer!

*As far as the sex talk goes... I will keep it PG-13 and encourage parents of children who attend the meeting to use wisdom and discernment on whether or not their child should be in that meeting. The talk will be about God's creation and the gift of sex within the context of marriage. I will do my best to debunk cultural lies about sex and to keep before people a healthy biblical model for sex. I do think this is a very important issue in our culture and that the church cannot stay silent on it. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Joint Meeting/Baptism/BBQ

This Sunday we will NOT be gathering at Stadium High School, instead we will be at Central Lutheran at 4pm for a joint meeting with Cedar Springs (Graham), Baptism and a BBQ! Not to mention, Terry Virgo will be preaching!!! What a privilege. Please consider inviting a friend along.

If you would like to be baptized or would like more information about baptism, please email Bo.

We will have our usual NCC Kids program available for all age groups.

We will be in the main sanctuary, please enter through the main entrance on Tacoma Ave.