I wanted to take a moment to comment on Sunday's gathering. I was pleased to see so many new faces, loved how the worship team lead us, and was surprised by my emotional response to the situation in the Middle-East.
I have spoken often about this family that has moved to a nation that has never had a Christian church in it's entire history. They are in great danger, but like Daniel in the den of lions they are perhaps in the safest place on earth, God's will.
This family has been shocked at the injustices toward women in this nation, especially toward the single mom's who have moved from Somalia to this nation to find work. These women have no voice, no advocate, no intercessor, and most likely never will unless someone steps outside of cultural boundaries and does something. Culturally they are the least of the least and are treated that way.
This is the part that killed me on Sunday, they don't have anyone to help care for their children while they go to work. Therefore, they tie their children together while they head out to work. A little while back the nation had flash floods and many of the children who were tied together drowned.
While trying to communicate this on Sunday a wave of emotions came over me that I have rarely experienced. I was more surprised than anyone that I was overcome like that. However, it was genuine and I pray that we would respond accordingly.
We are asking that you consider donating some money to this family who has rented a home for many of these refugee women and their children. They are hoping to rent another home soon. The children will be cared for in this home and the women will be treated with dignity. Another area of financial need is that this family had to quickly leave the country as civil war has broken out. They saw and heard gun fire and mortar fire. By God's grace they were able to get all their children and team out on time. If you've ever had to by a last minute plane ticket, you know it's not cheap. Money will go to them as well to help cover costs and hopefully also get them back into that nation.
We are a part of God's global Church, woven together for His renown. I love that so many of you carry that in your hearts as a reality. Let's be a part of extending God's Kingdom of justice, peace, righteousness and love to the dark corners of the earth. Will you help?
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Bo, I'm regretting my absence this past Sunday. What is the best way to give to this family?
We are accepting financial donations only at this point. Checks can be made to NCC with a note in the memo about support for the Middle East.
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