Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Volunteers Needed

We are still looking for some volunteers for the upcoming events at McCarver Elementary. On Tuesday, August 30th McCarver is hosting their annual back to school night. We will be there serving ice cream to the students and families. The event starts at 5:30 pm and will run until about 7:30 pm.

On Wednesday, August 31st we will be serving lunch to the teachers of McCarver as a way of showing appreciation. We could still use a few servers for this event. We will start at 11:30 am and it will last until about 12:30 pm.

If you are available to serve either of these events please contact Jessica Cohoe.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Important Announcement from Jessica Cohoe!

Please check out this video... we are starting our BIG push to collect school supplies and uniforms for McCarver Elementary. Jessica gives some great instructions on how to get involved.

Save the Date - Ladies Night

The NCC ladies have been invited to a Ladies Night at The Church at Cedar Springs (Newfrontiers Church in Graham). Here are the details so far...

Ladies Nite Out with The Church at Cedar Springs
Food, Fun and Fellowship
September 23 7-9pm; 6:30-7 free lattes
Graham, Washington

Monday, August 8, 2011

Prayer for Sam Poe

Hey all,

Below is a prayer request from Sam Poe. He will be traveling to St. Louis this week and would really appreciate your prayers... thanks!


This coming Tuesday, August 9, I will be flying out to St. Louis, MO to join with the elders and leaders of the Newfrontiers churches in that region for three days of prayer and sharing together.

I have been asked to bring some teaching sessions on developing prophetic ministry and prophetic teams in the local churches. I will be working in team with John Lanferman and Bryan Mowrey. I want to ask you here at NCC to please pray for God’s blessing and anointing upon this time together. I feel a particular desire to serve well in this area of equipping and training among those we are walking together with.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011