Monday, August 8, 2011

Prayer for Sam Poe

Hey all,

Below is a prayer request from Sam Poe. He will be traveling to St. Louis this week and would really appreciate your prayers... thanks!


This coming Tuesday, August 9, I will be flying out to St. Louis, MO to join with the elders and leaders of the Newfrontiers churches in that region for three days of prayer and sharing together.

I have been asked to bring some teaching sessions on developing prophetic ministry and prophetic teams in the local churches. I will be working in team with John Lanferman and Bryan Mowrey. I want to ask you here at NCC to please pray for God’s blessing and anointing upon this time together. I feel a particular desire to serve well in this area of equipping and training among those we are walking together with.

1 comment:

Normal Guy said...

I pray God would empower you all with strength and precede you with favor to equip others in that ministry. I know it can be a powerful source of encouragement to the Body when used in a Biblical manner! Blessings!