Saturday, October 29, 2011

Two Important Updates...

1. Hello Parents! This Sunday we are starting registration forms at NCC Kids. This will be an opportunity for you to let us know your children's allergies and any preferences you have concerning our policies. We want to serve you and your kids well, and we want to follow best practice to keep you, your kids, and NCC safe.

The forms won't take long to fill out - you can pick one up as you drop your kids off and then return it when you pick them up at the end of the meeting, or you can just fill them out before or after the meeting. Thank you!

2. Starting this Sunday we will be serving coffee and snacks from 9:30 am - 9:50 am. At 9:50 am we will put the coffee and food away... don't worry, we will bring the coffee and snacks back out at 11:30 am. We love to serve food and coffee at our gatherings as it creates a great atmosphere for fellowship, but we also want to make room for others to connect with Jesus and His church. The new folks are very good at getting into the auditorium at 10 am and we believe this will help us all be there with them. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sam Poe Traveling to Chicago

Hello NCC,

As many of you know Sam Poe travels around to many of the Newfrontiers churches in the U.S. and abroad. This week he will be traveling to Chicago to be with Destination Church, a relatively knew church plant, to lay some biblical foundations. Please pray for his time there... He has given us a few prayer points...

'On Friday I will share in a meeting with their leadership team. Saturday will be an all day seminar on prophecy along with a meeting core leadership team to lay plans toward the development of prophetic ministry in the church. On Sunday I will be preaching at their main meeting. That evening I return home. David Harrington will be joining with me there in Chicago. I especially want us to pray that God would use us to impart something of prophetic ministry and foundations to the church there.'


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Serving at McCarver Elementary

McCarver Elementary is a school on hilltop that we've adopted and are committed to serving. Here are three ways to get involved:

1. Family Fun Nights: Spend time with McCarver families at their monthly Family Fun Nights. Volunteers would either assist teachers as they do activities with students in the classroom or help provide childcare for 2-4-year-olds. The first Family Fun night is Thursday, October 27 from 5:30-7:30 PM.

2. Filling Backpacks
- Each Friday a small group goes to McCarver around 9:30AM to fill backpacks with food for the weekend. It's very easy and takes about an hour. It's a great chance to connect with other people from the church and with McCarver parents. You can do as many or as few Fridays as you want/are able to.

3. Recess Monitoring: A chance to run around with the students during recess. You could monitor the swing, the playground, or a rousing game of soccer. Pick a day of the week or several days a month you can commit to, and show up ready for fun from 11:30AM to 1:20PM.

To get involved contact Jessica Cohoe ( or 253-376-6819).