Tuesday, June 10, 2008

20/20/20 Groups

I wanted to post a follow up to the message on Sunday. For those of you who weren't there I preached on being a people who 'love the Bible'. Towards the end of my message I gave you all some practical advice on how to read your Bible. Below are the resources I mentioned....

  • Every Thursday at 711 St Helens the doors will be opened at 6:30 am for a 20/20/20 group. 20/20/20 is 20 minutes of Bible reading, 20 minutes of journaling, and 20 minutes of discussion. The beauty of the group is no preparation necessary. I would recommend you bring a Bible, some paper (a journal), and your day planner (to write down those nagging to-do's that keep popping in your head)..... oh, and of course some COFFEE. Swing by a drive through on your way over. I want to encourage you all to get into a 20/20/20 group.... the way you do that is ask a friend to meet with you for an hour... a coffee shop, your home, a park, the student center.... go for it!
  • A bible reading plan. Click here to view a few different plans. These plans will help you read through the whole Bible, which will give you the whole story.
  • A one year Bible. This Bible will get you through the whole Bible in a year and has your readings laid out day by day. You can buy one, or read it online at esv.org.
  • Journal! If you're like me, it really helps to have a pen in hand when I read. I want to recommend the SOAP method. Click here for a sample journal using the SOAP method.
  • Use a Study Bible. I recommend the NASB or the ESV (which will be available in October).
  • Online Bible. Bible Gateway has the Bible in every translation and it's free.
Remember, you should never feel condemnation about your Bible reading. The Bible is there for us to find out how much God loves us, not for us to earn God's love.

It's truly amazing that we have God's words, His desires, His passions, for us and our world in a book.

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