Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Important Building Update
The downtown building located at South 13th and Tacoma seems to no longer be an option for us. In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving talks slowed down and we were wondering what was going on. At the same time we were growing in NCC Kids. We had over 30 kids for three weeks straight. (Praise God!) We quickly did some math on the new building and began to see that the kids rooms would only hold about 40-45 kids. This made us a little nervous. At the same time, the owner of the building decided he would like to finish the building and wait to see if he could get a better offer. They said they would keep us in mind in the coming months, but for now they would like to wait.
In the mean time, we decided to go ahead and move out of 711 St. Helens. That space has served us well, but now that we don't use it on Sunday we don't feel like it's worth the cost. This may cause some inconvenience as it has been helpful to have a central gathering space for mid-week events, prayer, and an office. We do feel it is best to store up some money with the hopes of having a 24/7 spot very soon. Please continue to pray in that direction. Our last day there is January 15th. If you have anything stored there please contact me so we can get it to you. In the mean time everything will be stored in the Hampton's basement. (So grateful for their generosity!)
We know it is God's heart to move powerfully in this city and we want to be a part of that! Let's keep pressing on into the purposes of God. The future is more glorious than the past!
With love,
Bo Noonan
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Are You Getting Christmas Money???
For Mobilise register here...
For the Men's Conference register here...
Friday, December 18, 2009
Prayer, Worship and the Lord's Supper...
This Sunday we will once again join for a morning of worship, prayer and sharing the Lord's supper. Please come along as we get closer to the master builder of this church! We will gather at 10 am at 711 St. Helens. Childcare is provided ... parents will be asked to spend 20 minutes in the kids room.
Hope to see you all there!
* We will also have our regular 4 pm meeting at Central Lutheran.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Where Will My Financial Gift Being Going?
East and West Africa - Christmas appeal from Newfrontiers on Vimeo.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
REMINDER! The Party is this Friday!
We will have a kids program as well! The kids will eat dinner with their parents and then head into one of the kids rooms.
Please feel free to invite friends and family!
RSVP here.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Unusual Sunday Issues!
Thank you for understanding! Ironically, I will preaching from Ephesians 5:21-33 on marriage! I plan on taking a few weeks to fully cover the topic. This may be a great opportunity to invite dating couples, engaged couples, or your married friends! Also, this is definitely for singles as they need to know what marriage is before they can pursue it. If you are in the category of never getting married... this will be good for you as you know people who are married. I think that covers all the bases!
By the way, don't forget that Saturday is the Alpha Holy Spirit sessions. We will start at 9 am and go until about 12 noon at 711 St. Helens. Lunch will be served!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Christmas Party!
We will have a kids program as well! The kids will eat dinner with their parents and then head into one of the kids rooms.
Please feel free to invite friends and family!
RSVP here.
Friday, November 13, 2009
A BIG Morning of Worship, Prayer and the Lord's Supper
We will start at 10 am and go until 11:30 am. Childcare will be available, parents will be asked to sign up for a 20 minute time slot in the kids room.
Please come along as we move forward together and declare God's goodness and our dependence on Him!
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Return of Dwell
p.s. Thank you Natalie Eckart for serving there and giving me their contact information.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Candy and Volunteers
The nice folks at Destiny City Church are filling the bags this week and it would help them to have the candy sooner than later. If you are able to contribute please give me a ring ASAP.
(253) 241.6203
Also, if you are able to help before, during or after the party we are still in need of volunteers. This is going to be a great way to bless Tacoma! If you are interested in serving please contact me ASAP!
The setup team will meet at Central Lutheran at 12:45 pm on Saturday the 31st. The actual party begins at 6 pm and will run until 8:30 pm.
Thanks so much!!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Harvest Party!
Ways you can help....
1) We need help loading and setting up. If you're interested, that team will meet at Central Lutheran at 12:45 pm. They will be loading games and candy into vans and taking it all over to Mason Middle School.
2) Help man a game station. There will be games for all ages, including 30 Playstations! This will require you to be there from 5:45-8:30.
3) CANDY! They need lot's and lot's of candy. If you are a Costco member you can buy one or two of their big variety bags of candy. As a church we will be buying a bunch of those bags and your contribution can really help.
This event will provide a safe and fun alternative to kids in their families. They will also see a beautiful display of churches working together to bless the city! I'm so glad we have been invited in on this. Please let me know if you can help!
Thank you!
Bo Noonan
Friday, October 16, 2009
Worship, Prayer and the Lord's Supper
We worship and pray because we're not satisfied with what we can produce on our own. It's also a time to share the Lord's Supper and remember who made this all possible and how He did it.
We will start at 10 am and be done by 11:30 am. Childcare will be available. Parents will be asked to sign up for 20 minute slots in the kid's room.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Please Pray for the Philippines
Dear All,
We are really overwhelmed by the concern and support of our Newfrontiers Family. I have received a number of emails inquiring our situation here. Praise God that the water did not reach our receiving room but up to the first step of the stairs leading to our condo unit.
We had our scheduled prayer meeting last Saturday but only a handful came because it was already signal number 2. We even shortened the prayer meeting because the rain started to pour heavily and the street outside was already flooding. We stayed till 12:30 pm because we noticed some water dripping in the church.
Because of the rising flood water, we had to leave our car and waded into the murky water which was knee deep. There were a lot of commuters stranded and walked on the flooded street.
There were 14 families of HGCC including Rodney Tagle's family whose houses were flooded. In the Bamboo village alone, we have a number of families who are homeless because the water is up to the chest and deepest was above the head. They were provided temporary shelter in evacuation centers provided by the local governments.
Saturday’s disaster saw Ondoy (international name Ketsana) pound the heaviest rain in more than 40 years on Metro Manila and neighboring areas. The weather bureau said that Saturday’s rain was equivalent to a one month rain and the nine-hour deluge left some areas of Metro Manila, a sprawling city of 12 million people, under 20 feet of water, with poor drainage systems and other failed infrastructure exacerbating the problem. Eighty percent of the metropolis was submerged and some people remained stranded on the second floors of their homes for two days.
Adding to the chaos, telephone and power services in some parts of the metropolis remained cut, while local government officials said survivors in makeshift evacuation camps were desperately short of food, water and clothes. In our area alone, we experienced 28 hours of brown out and we have to get water from the tank pail by pail. Because of this, we decided to cancel our Sunday service.
The church readily responded to our affected members. We gave them rice, assorted canned goods, milk, coffee, bath and laundry soaps, and biscuits. I know that this will only last a few days and we are still finding ways on how to restore their humble abode and move on from this nightmare.
One encouraging email that I received recently was from Phil Hardy when he said that the church was praying for us and that this would be a physical evidence of the storm of the Holy Spirit to come on the Philippines. Amen.
We believe that the recent calamity captivated the attention of the people as to the awesome power of the Most High God. And we pray that this will lead to an understanding of their need of a Savior and Lord and realize that only God is the ever present help in times of troubles.
For this, we ask for your prayers regarding the pathetic condition of our country brought about by the devastating flood.
Thank you for your concern and prayers.
For and in behalf of HGCC,
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Alpha Meals
As a church we believe the Alpha Course is an amazing way to make disciples. You can help by inviting friends, leading a discussion table, or something simple like making a salad, main dish, or dessert. Food is an important part of building relationships, and you can help make disciples by providing some food.
If you are interested in providing food for Alpha, please check the box on your connect card this Sunday, or contact me.
Together for the mission,
Bo Noonan
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
We will gather at Michael and Tina Gray's house. There address is 1707 S. Washington St., Tacoma 98405.
And of course, we will be BBQing! We will provide drinks, hamburgers and hot dogs (and all that goes with those). Please bring a side dish or a dessert if you can make it.
Email Michael to RSVP. Thanks!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Week of Prayer and Fasting!
Sunday - Morning of Worship, Prayer and Lord's Supper 10 am -11:30 (711 St. Helens) - Sunday Meeting 4 pm (Central Lutheran)
Monday - Prayer 6 pm -8 pm (711 St. Helens)
Tuesday - Prayer 6 pm -8pm (711 St. Helens)
Wednesday - Prayer 6 pm -8pm (711 St. Helens)
Thursday - Prayer 6 pm -8 pm (711 St. Helens)
Friday - Night of Worship 7 pm -8:30pm (Central Lutheran)
Saturday - Baptism 4 pm (The Grays - 1707 S. Washington St., Tacoma 98405)
Wow, what a week. Please prayerfully consider joining us in this week of corporate praying and fasting. We are NOT asking any body to do anything they don't feel comfortable doing. There is no condemnation! Let's keep pressing in to know God and to do his will in the city.
Daniel 11:32 says "...but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action."
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Summit - Tonight
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Where to next?
The Apostle Paul wrote this letter from prison with the hopes of it getting circulated around to as many churches as possible. Fortunately for us, the 21st century church, it has been preserved in Scripture and continues to lay solid foundations.
This series will change us and challenge us as we look at what the church is supposed to be. In an age where the church appears to be loosing ground here in the United States, it is time for us to rise up and shine.
I can't wait to get into Ephesians. Please consider inviting friends and family, and pray that Jesus would continue to build his church here in Tacoma.
For His Glory,
Friday, August 28, 2009
Prayer, Worship and the Lord's Supper...
We will gather at 10 am on Sunday, Aug. 30th at 711 St. Helens.
Childcare will be available... parents will be asked to sign up for a 20 minute slot.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
How Can a Church Help the Poor
From the Nations, To the Nations
As the host church for this conference we would like to invite you to:
1. Attend - As Tacomans we live in a very diverse city. How can we be effective in building a multi-cultural church that reflects Heaven? We really belive this conference will propel us as a local church into new ministry.
2. Serve - There is a lot to do to pull this off. We will need people to help with registration, to man an information table as people from out of town will have questions about where to eat, directions, etc..., to drive people from the Tacoma Dome Best Western to the conference venue (which I think we will have locked down today)... and much more. Please fill out your connect card on Sunday if you are interested.
3. Be a Host - We have worked hard to keep the cost free for this conference. Some folks are flying in from places like Atlanta and Joplin, MO. It would be great if we could host them in homes so they don't have to stay in the hotel. If you are interested in this, call Bo or Michael Gray... or fill out your connect card on Sunday.
I can't wait for this conference! It's really going to be world changing!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Summit is for anyone at New Community Church who is serving or would like to serve. This is an opportunity for us to share vision, do some training, and dream about what God can do in this city.
The location is 711 St. Helens, Tacoma, WA 98402.
Friday, August 7, 2009
No Sunday Meeting on Aug. 9th
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Helpful Information for Celebration NW
Celebration Northwest is coming soon! We're so excited to have you and your family be part of this gathering. God is on the move among us, and we believe for great things this weekend.
Following are some important changes and reminders regarding Celebration - please read them carefully to be sure you're up to speed.
Registration Hours
Registration will be open from 4PM - 7PM on Friday. Even if you're not staying on campus, you must register in order to attend the conference. If you're not able to register by 7PM Friday, there will be an opportunity immediately following the Friday Night session.
Friday Night Dinner
If you've signed up for the Friday Night Dinner, it will be served from 5:30PM - 6:30PM. You must register before you eat, so plan to arrive with adequate time. If you've not signed up for the dinner, there are several fast-food restaurants and grocery stores nearby.
We will have several activities available on Saturday afternoon for the whole family to enjoy. They will mostly be outdoors, where there is limited seating, so you may wish to bring a lawn chair.
Our housing team is working feverishly to place everyone in appropriate housing. Whenever possible, they've honored roommate requests, and placed each person in the best possible arrangement. Please be aware that some children may be assigned to sleep on the floor - if this is the case, our staff will contact you by Wednesday, August 5, and advise you to bring a mat or extra blanket for padding.
Due to the complexity of keeping families together, accomodating special needs, and honoring roommate requests all room assignments are final, and not subject to changes.
An e-mail was inadvertantly sent out on Saturday, August 1 which stated that there will be outdoor Basketball courts - this is not correct. We will have indoor 3-on-3 basketbell tournaments on Saturday during the Family Fun time.
George Fox University is located at: 1009 E North, Newberg, OR. Registration and all of our meetings will be located in Bauman Auditorium.
More info...
The Saturday evening session will include a time where we take up an offering for the greater work of Newfrontiers USA. Please prayerfully consider what you can give to the mission. Checks should be made out to Newfrontiers NW. Thank you so much!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
No Sunday Meeting on Aug. 9th
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Celebration NW Registration Deadline
The price for Celebration NW is about to go up on Monday, July 20th. If you haven't registered and are planning to go, please register soon. If you, like others, are feeling the financial crunch of getting there, please let me (Bo) know asap. We will do all we can to help people get there. We feel like it's a great investment!
Here is a video to wet your appetite.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Where: 711 St. Helens
When:Tuesday, July 14th, 6-7:30 pm
Dinner will be served!
Childcare will be provided this time! (No need to sign up for a 20 minute time slot)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Final Chance to Register for Camping Trip
Friday, July 3, 2009
NCC Camping Trip
Immediately after the meeting on this Sunday, Beccy Stave will be giving more details on the camping trip. If you are planning on going on the trip, please stick around.
Also, don't forget to register for Celebration NW. A late fee will be applied if you register after July 2oth.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Worship, Prayer and the Lord's Supper
There will be childcare. Parents will be asked to sign up for a 20 minute time slot.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A Way To Serve The Market
Please pray for....
1. That our time would be fruitful. That we would be a blessing to many, many people.
2. That we would develop new relationships.
3. That God would orchestrate conversations that would open doors to people's hearts.
Thanks so much for praying! This really is the most important part of time at the market.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Summer Reading List
The Reason for God : Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller
God's Lavish Grace by Terry Virgo or Listen to Terry speak on grace here.
Death by Love: Letters from the Cross by Mark Driscoll
The Singing God: Discover the Joy of Being Enjoyed by God by Sam Storms
We hope these are helpful to you.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Tuesday Night Summit!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Correction on Summit
Thursday, May 28, 2009
One More Date...
Let's not forget Summit! I had a great time at the last Summit. Summit is for anyone at NCC who is serving or wants to serve. A meal will be served and some vision will be casted. We will also talk about some serving opportunities. The topic this time around will be centered on what we are trying to accomplish at our Sunday gatherings. Hope you can all make it!
Tuesday, June 2nd at 6 pm at 711 St. Helens Ave.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Important Information!
- Sunday, May 31 - John Lanferman (leads Newfrontiers-USA) will be speaking at NCC
- Sunday, May 31 - Special Offering for Summer Outreach (Please indicate on check that its for summer outreach)
- June 2-10 - Noonan's on vacation (going east to see family!!)
- Thursday, June 18 - First Day for NCC at the Tacoma Farmer's Market
- July 17-19 - NCC Camping Trip (Belfair State Park... registration coming soon!)
- August 7-9 - Celebration Northwest (Newfrontiers churches in the NW coming together for worship and teaching @ George Fox University) Register here.
- September 4-6 - Cross-Cultural Training Conference (More info coming soon...)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Worship/Prayer/Lord's Supper
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mother's Day!
Here's the kicker. Mom's, despite the crying, pooping, rowdy, back-talking, snot nosed boys, love what they do. They wouldn't trade it in for anything. I'm not saying a nice card and perhaps a gift card for a massage wouldn't be well received. I'm just saying that it's hard to find an appropriate gift for the woman who went through labor and all kinds of other 'difficult' things, and is still working 168 hour weeks.
I can't help but think that this is a reflection of God's heart to us. He loves us because in his mercy he has called us out of darkness and into light making us sons and daughters. He loves us, because he loves us. He loves us because we are hidden in his perfect, unchanging Son.
In the same way that it's hard to find an appropriate gift for mom, it's often hard to know how to respond to God in light of his mercy, especially on our budget. Not only is it hard to know how to respond, but it can actually be devastating if we respond incorrectly.
One response in particular that is devastating is trying to find the 'gift' that we feel is equal to how much God has done for us. "Jesus died for me, I will repay him with my life." Not what God wants from us... as if we could actually do that. Acts 17:24-25 says, "The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. "
Let's not belittle what God has done for us by trying to repay him. The proper response is worship! Just say thank you, I mean really say thank you. That's appropriate.
So give a gift to your wife, or your mom, or your grandma, but don't forget to just say thank you, I mean really say thank you.
p.s. Please RSVP for Summit if you are attending... again Tues., May 12th, 6-7:30 pm at 711 St. Helens... dinner will be served.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
NCC Summit
To help communicate with greater clarity our vision, our values (family traits), changes that need to be made, and where we need people to step up, we are launching a new once a month event called Summit. Summit is for anyone leading, serving or would like to serve at NCC. We will have dinner together, do some training/vision casting, and build together as we move forward in seeing a church established where lives are supernaturally changed by God.
The kids room will be open for kids to watch a video or play together, but there will be no organized care. It would be great for the kids to eat together with their parents and then parents can rotate in on 20 minute intervals.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
If you still feel like you are in the chaos stage of your story, hold on, we are coming to the Redeemer. I am so ready to talk about Jesus and how he is the fulfillment of the Law, Prophets and Psalms. He is the savior who jumps in to fulfill the covenants and to do what Israel, and we, could not do on our own. He is everything the Old Testament longed for and He is exactly what our hearts need. I just hope I don't explode from excitement before Sunday!
See you Sunday at 4 pm!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Prayer and Worship
We will gather at 10 am at 711 St. Helens. See you all there!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Easter is Not Fair
Just over a week until Easter! This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family to church. On Easter Sunday I will be preaching on the unfairness of Easter. I often reflect on how upside down and unfair the kingdom of God is. I'm not complaining, it's just not fair. I am really looking forward to preaching this message and have been praying that God would give me lot's of people to invite to our meeting. I hope you do the same! Thanks to Waymond, we have a nice invite to hand out. There will be plenty of invites available for you to pick up on Sunday.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Delivery Issues (TEST)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Holy Spirit Saturday/Prayer and Worship Morning/Dwell
On Saturday (March 21) we will be hosting the Alpha Holy Spirit Saturday. We will answer the questions Who is the Holy Spirit?, What does the Holy Spirit do? and How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?. All are welcome. We will begin at 9 am with some coffee and pastries and conclude at 1 pm. Lunch will be served. This will take place at 711 St. Helens Ave.
On Sunday (March 22) we will be having our monthly morning of worship and prayer. This is such an important time for us. We believe God has given us a great vision for this city, but we also know we cannot accomplish it on our own. We need Him! Join us at 10 am at 711 St. Helens Ave. as we worship our God and ask Him for a great church.
We will also continue our Dwell series with an interview of Justin Mayfield from the Tacoma Farmer's Market. We are huge fans of the Market and look forward to serving there again this summer! This will take place at our 4 pm meeting at Central Lutheran.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Easter is Coming!
My friend Rick Hein recently posted this interesting piece of information. I thought it might stir us up some as we look forward to Easter Sunday!
I find it sometimes humorous that church leaders seem to always be looking for "The Key" or the "Magic Principle" that will unlock church growth for them. Let's face it, there are no secret keys or formulas that will automatically make it all happen. This is confirmed by Chip Arn, President and CEO of Church Growth International. Arn has conducted over 50,000 interviews with people who were formerly outside of a connection with Jesus and asked them how it was they came to give their life to Jesus and get connected to a local church. Here is what his findings indicate.
- 1-2% noted that it was because a special need that arose in their life, such as a death or catastrophe.
- 2-3% said they simply decided to go to church one day.
- 1-6% said it was because they had a relationship with the pastor or someone else on the church staff.
- 1-2% said that someone knocked on their door and invited them to a church service.
- 4-5% were connected to Jesus and a local church because they got involved in some sort of Christian education (Sunday School, etc.)
- 2-3% were added as a result of some sort of church program.
- 75-90% of the people interviewed said they committed their life to Jesus and became part of a local church because a friend or relative talked to them about Jesus.
Silver Creek Fellowship's Women's Conference
The theme of the conference is "A God of all Seasons" and will focus on Paul's instruction from Titus 2. Our very own Mary Lou Weissgerber will be one of the featured speakers.
If you plan to go, please contact Malena Swarthout as she is arranging rides.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Daylight Saving Time!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
This Sunday!
See you all there!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Two Things....
2. On Sunday March 8th we will have the privilege of having Stephen van Rhyn with us. Stephen is the lead elder of Jubilee Community Church in Cape Town, South Africa. Jubilee is a great multi-cultural church that has been a big influence on their city, nation and the nations. We are inviting our friends from Church at Cedar Springs in Graham, WA to join us for that meeting. This will be a great opportunity for us to get to know them better. Please consider coming about 15 minutes earlier than you do so we can make sure we have enough chairs out. This will be an exciting time for us and I'm sure Stephen will be a big blessing to us.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Dwell Series
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Love to Hear It!
I liken our meeting to my house. I would never just open my door and let someone come into my house without saying hi to them and offering them something to eat or drink. Moreover, I wouldn't just greet them at the door, usher them into my living room and then leave them there for hours. The church is a family and we are given gifts in each and every visitor. I can live with someone coming to our meetings and not being able to line up with us theologically, or not being able to join our mission, but for someone to come and say no one would talk to me is just unacceptable.
All that to say, thank you so much for being so hospitable in our meetings! I love this church!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Worship, Prayer and the Lord's Supper
We will gather at 711 St. Helens.
Childcare will be available.... parents will be asked to sign up for a 20 minute slot.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Chronological Bible Storytelling Training Audio!
To listen to the training click here or subscribe to the New Community Church podcast via iTunes.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
This Saturday... Training Day!
On January 10, 2009 we will be having a seminar on the value of Chronological Bible Storytelling led by Sam and Marlene Poe. If you have a desire to learn more about sharing God’s Big Salvation Story this seminar is for you.
We will be sharing on the importance of biblical storytelling in today’s world. There will also be practical instruction on the art of good storytelling. This seminar will be especially helpful for anyone who has a desire to share the Good News with those who are not yet Christians, lead a small group, work with Children or to teach and train others in God’s Word.
We will begin our first session at 10:00 am and plan to finish by 3:30 in the afternoon. We will meet at 711 St. Helens, Tacoma, WA. There is no charge for the event. Please bring a sack lunch.