Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Let's Eat!

This Sunday morning we will be gathering to ring in the new year with a brunch! (As if we haven't eaten enough.) We will gather at 10:30 am at 711 St. Helens Ave. to eat, drink and be merry. Please consider bringing something to share with the others.

Please note, after we eat a few of us will hang around to take down a couple of walls. If you would like to tear down some walls feel free to join us. Dress for a mess.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Our Christmas Sunday...

This Sunday, December 23rd will be our Christmas Sunday. We'll join together to celebrate the birth of Jesus... or as John puts it, "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14)

This is a great opportunity to invite our friends, family, workmates, neighbors, etc... to celebrate with us, or perhaps hear for the first time, the jaw-dropping, amazing story of God becoming a man and drawing near to us.

I look forward to seeing you all there!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Party Highlights

Wow, what an evening! We had great food (thank you Joseppi's!), great music by Waymond, Nick, Paloma and Sierra, a great game lead by Marlene, and some really bad comedy by your's truly. A special thanks goes out to Alfredo who worked tirelessly to get the video done. You can now watch that video on You Tube.... or just press play below.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas Extravaganza Update!

I hope you are all looking forward to the Christmas Extravaganza as much as I am. As you know it will be on Friday, December 14th at 711 St. Helens, but did you know it starts at 6:30 pm... you do now. Remember the meal is provided, but the entertainment is provided by you. If you would like to contribute to the entertainment please email me at We'll make sure you get a shot at wowing us!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Holy Spirit Saturday!

This Saturday, December 1st, we will be hosting the Holy Spirit Saturday. This is a part of the Alpha Course, but is not limited to those attending the course. All are welcome. We will be discussing the following topics: Who is the Holy Spirit?, What does the Holy Spirit do?, and How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?

We will start at 9 am with coffee and pastries and end around 1 pm. Lunch will be served and of course there is no cost. The location is 711 St. Helens Ave. in downtown Tacoma.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Save The Date

It's time to celebrate! We will be hosting an amazing, exciting, fun, yummy, entertaining... ummm, running out of words.... Christmas Party! The dinner will be catered and the entertainment will be provided by, wait for it, YOU. Singing, dancing, comedy, skits, special talent, whatever, it's your chance to shine. Cause I believe NCC has talent!

When: Friday, December 14th (time: tba)
Where: Where else 711 St. Helens

More info to come....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Citywide Celebration!

On Sunday, November 18th at 6:00 pm several churches in Tacoma will be gathering for a time of worship, encouragement and praying. There will also be a collection of non-perishable 'Thanksgiving' items for families in need. The event will be held at Lincoln High School. Click here for directions. Please consider attending as it will be an exciting time for the Church in Tacoma.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Harvest Party!!!

This Friday, November 2nd from 4-6 pm we are hosting a Harvest Party for children and their parent(s). Please come and enjoy crafts, games and food with your children. There is no cost to the event and all are welcome. The location is 711 St. Helens Ave. in downtown Tacoma. Hope to see you all there!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

In.Vision October 28th

This Sunday (October 28th) we will not only be gathering for our morning meeting, but we will also be joining together for In.Vision at 5:30 pm. Ian Ashby will be speaking to us about a church that serves the poor. This will be an exciting time for us as a church as we continue to move forward in seeing a church established where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God.

*In.Vision will last one hour and child-care will be provided.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Special Newfrontiers Offering...

I just wanted to remind you all that we will be taking a special offering for our international family of churches (Newfrontiers) this Sunday, October 21st. Checks can be made out to New Community Church with Newfrontiers in the memo. We will then write one check out to Newfrontiers. Below is a video that illustrates what we are doing as a family. Please prayerfully consider what God would have you give. In these early days we may be small in numbers, but we believe God has called us to make a big impact!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Help Habitat

A couple of nights ago the Habitat for Humanity house that Waymond has been working on was broken into. A lot of tools and supplies were taken. Click here to see the news story. If you would like to donate tools or time you can find out by going to the Pierce County Habitat site. Let's keep Waymond and the project in prayer as they do an amazing thing for this family.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Alpha is near!

Our new Alpha Course starts in a week! On Wednesday, October 3rd we will begin the course with Christianity: Boring, Untrue and Irrelevant. Hopefully we all come to the conclusion that it's none of those. The evening will begin at 6:30 pm and consist of a free dinner and a talk. Discussion groups will begin the following week when we ask the question Who is Jesus?. Please continue to consider who you can invite. Alpha is an important part of us establishing a church where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


On Sunday, September 9th at 5:00 pm we will be gathering for our most important In.Vision yet. So important that we felt like we needed to start the evening with pizza, salad, and sodas! In.Vision is a chance for us to look at where New Community Church is going. This Sunday we will map out our journey through the fall and into the winter. These are important times as we move forward together in God's purposes for us. Let's press on to establish a church(es) where lives are supernaturally changed by God!

Take Me Out To The Ballgame!

Okay, we will! We've been given 35 tickets to the Thursday, September 13th (7:05 pm)Mariners game. The way it works is we would love to give each NCCer a ticket plus a couple extra to invite friends. We will arrange rides to the stadium as we find out who all is going. Even though they're playing the Tampa Bay Devil Rays it could prove to be a crucial game in their play-off run. Please consider coming and who you can invite to a fun evening out at the ballpark!

To find out how to get tickets and how many are left email Wes.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Beach Party!

This Sunday, September 2nd, we will be gathering at Owen Beach for a picnic at 3 pm. Bring food for you and your family. The church will be bringing our notorious FREE water, hot dogs, hot dog buns and all the fixings. As a church we will hand out, yup you got it, FREE water and hot dogs to anyone who would like some. The plan is to enjoy beautiful Owen Beach, each other, and perhaps make some new friends.

Please note we will also have our regular 10:30 am meeting at 711 St. Helens.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Make Some Noise!

We are podcasting! Wait, what is a podcast? Well, according to it means - to distribute (multimedia files) over the Internet for playback on a mobile device or a personal computer. In other words, you can now listen to our Sunday messages on your computer and iPod/MP3 player! You can get there via the audio/podcast link on our website. There is also a link on the blog in the 'Recommended Resources' section.

You can also have the messages directly downloaded in your iTunes by subscribing through the iTunes store. There is an iTunes icon (subscribe with iTunes) on the lower right side of our podcast page. Click on the icon and follow the prompts from there.

As of now you can listen to three talks from the series 'Incomparable' and also four short talks on grace by Terry Virgo. If you haven't had a chance to listen to the 'grace talks' yet I highly recommend them.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

To The Park!

Just wanted to remind you all that we will be heading out to McKinley Playfield (E. 44th & McKinley) to bless some folks with FREE water, face painting, and fun. We will meet at the park at 12 noon and hang out there until about 3 pm. We won't be serving lunch or having lunch together, but feel free to bring a picnic. Our goal is to bless people in the park and to have a presence in the park.

We will be wearing our T-Shirts... if you don't have one and plan on being there let me know... we'll hook you up!

*Please note we are not going to be at McKinley Park which is on 9000 Upper Park St E, we are at McKinlry Playfields.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Africa is Coming to the Fair

I want to make you all aware of an excellent volunteer opportunity. Below is an email I received from our very own Brad Stave. Please let me know if you would like to serve.

You are Invited to Visit and Volunteer at "The World Vision Experience: Village" at the Puyallup Fair!

The "World Vision Experience: Village" is an interactive multimedia experience coming to the Puyallup Fair this September 7th-23rd, 2007! The "World Vision Experience: Village" will give fair visitors an opportunity to experience life in an African village through the eyes of a child. You will witness the realities and effects of poverty in Africa, as you wind your way through hallways rich in media. Immediately following, you will travel to Africa through an audio/video tour inside an authentic African hut, rich in the sounds, sights and smells of African life! And finally, you will experience hands-on the transformational work that happens in developing countries through the Christian humanitarian organization, World Vision. Adults and children will learn and participate in African life by pumping water at a well, visiting a local school, walking through a rural health clinic, perusing a bustling African market place, joining a drum circle and much, much more. This authentic African experience will bring you close to a continent far away. If you haven't been to Africa, now is your chance. Step out of your world and explore Africa with World Vision at the "World Vision Experience:Village" exhibit at the Puyallup Fair. Choose a night and bring your entire youth group to the Puyallup Fair, to experience this amazing exhibit!

In addition, in order to provide an impactful experience for fairgoers,World Vision is requesting volunteers to act as ambassadors at the Village. When you volunteer during a four hour shift at the Village at the Puyallup Fair you will receive:

A World Vision T-Shirt
Volunteer Training
Free Pass and Parking
Cold Beverages and Snacks
An Opportunity to Change Lives!

People from your church and youth group are encouraged to volunteer, although volunteers must be 16 years of age or older. For more information please visit

Friday, August 3, 2007

Soooooo Proud!

Wow! What a team! We had a great day at the Tacoma Farmer's Market. I was sooooo proud to be a part of the New Community Church booth. Everyone served with such zeal and joy. We handed out hundreds of FREE waters (on a very hot day I might add), we painted dozens of faces, we helped make dozens of bracelets, we handed out countless balloons with invites, and we met some wonderful Tacomans.

A real highlight for me was seeing members of our team reaching out to other organizations in the set-up and take down process. Well done!

Another cool thing about the day was that all our signs were in English and Spanish. This proved to be very helpful as Malena looks to start a bi-lingual pre-school group. Numerous people showed interest in it and wanted to know how they could get their children involved.

I really feel like this was a landmark day for us. Let's keep pressing into the purposes of God for us in this city!
By they way, if you receive this post via email you probably won't see the pictures so make sure you visit the blog....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


This Sunday we will embark on a new series entitled Incomparable. This is an opportunity for us to take a closer look at the character and attributes of our God. The goal of this series is not just head knowledge, rather knowledge that shapes us individually and corporately. Having a larger view of God will cause us to worship Him more and to reflect Him more clearly to our city. After all, we cannot delight in what we have not seen and we cannot commend that which we don’t know. This will be a great series to invite your friends, family and workmates to. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Tacoma Farmer's Market

We have an amazing opportunity to serve the city by having a booth at the Tacoma Farmer's Market on Thursday, August 2nd. That Thursday is one of two Kid's Days that the market hosts. Our desire is to provide some fun for the kids and possibly even for their parents. We could really use some help. If you would like to help out for all or part of the day please let me or Malena know. I am very excited about this event as it helps us move forward in being a blessing to the people and city of Tacoma.

In.Vision .3

We will once again gather to look forward to what New Community Church will look like. This week we will look at what a church looks like that worships in Spirit and Truth. We will gather at 711 St. Helens at 5:30 for one hour. We look forward to seeing you all there!

P.S. We're home!

Friday, July 13, 2007

London's Burning

Hello from England. I had the intention to post more from England, but to be honest words are not coming easy to describe the amazing family we are a part of. I won't try to communicate to you all that has happened in this post, but hope to verbalize as much as possible on Sunday the 22nd.

In Brighton my roomate was a bright young man named Tongai. He's leading a new church plant in Harare, Zimbabwe. There are already a handful of churches in that city, but they press on to reach that large city. Please pray for him and his team as things have gotten really tough with finances and supplies. When he returns to Zimbabwe he will have a lot to do, but the amazing thing is he is so full of faith and joy even when facing heavy persecution. The humbling thing is... when I met him he told me they have been praying for Tacoma in their meetings! Wow!

I can't wait to get home and see you all!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I am not Lance Armstrong!

The Christmas before Alexis and I got married she gave me a bike. It was a very thoughtful and expensive gift. If I'm honest it hasn't been used much. With great passion and resolve I decided to take it into the shop to get it tuned up and ready for use. The irony is that when I took it to the shop they told me it would take two weeks for them to get to it. Kind of killed my spark. Nonetheless I picked it up the other day and road it this morning to meet Waymond and another friend for coffee. The bike held up great.... I, on the other hand, suffered.

Not only did I arrive 10 minutes late, I felt drained. I saw Tacoma roads through different lenses! Where did all those hills come from?

Oh yeah, had to ride home too! The hills seemed to be against me going home too. On the way home (which turned into a ride/walk) I started thinking about the fact that we've lived in Tacoma for 1 year. The year was kind of like my bike ride, some of it was riding down hill and some of it was walking up hill with my bike and backpack.

I've been reading In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson (if you'd like a copy of the book let me know, we have extras) and he writes that 50% of church plants fail in the first year! Not gonna lie... shocking. But he went on to write that we need to 'reframe our problems'. Most of our battles, struggles, uphill walks with bike and backpack are not to be despised, rather 'adversity is often the seedbed of opportunity'. Basically, the more problems we face the more equipped we'll be to help others.

In life we can fear risk because it might result in difficulties or problems, but when we take risks knowing our Father who 'is the same yesterday, today and forever' we can press into the purposes of God with confidence. This is why it's important that we are first and foremost worshipers of God. Worship is the process of forgetting how inadequate we are and how adequate Jesus is.

My bike ride, which I cringe to think how short it actually was, required endurance, endurance I didn't have. In the same way this church plant will require endurance. The way we get in shape and stay in shape is to go to our Father and get. God doesn't get tired and spiritual endurance comes from leaning on the Everlasting. Jesus modeled this for us, he engaged people and then withdrew to be with his Father... repeat process as needed. We need to engage people, our city, our culture, but we also need to know how to withdraw. Jesus never backed down from a challenge, but he also wasn't afraid to withdraw.

I have no doubt that church planting is risky and takes endurance. I also have no doubt that it's a worthy cause to give ourselves to.

In the end, a life lived for God is never a life wasted. It's these words we long to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master." (Matthew 25:21 ESV) This entails not only hearing the Fathers pleasure, but experiencing the ultimate joy. I look forward to that.

It's a joy and a privilege to serve with all of you!

With many thanks and much joy,

Bo Noonan

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Taste of Tacoma

This weekend is the Taste of Tacoma! This is being dubbed the 'ultimate family picnic'. I would have to agree. Food and entertainment combined with the beauty of Point Defiance Park... I mean come on.

The event runs from Friday, June 28th to Sunday, July 1st (11am -8pm). This is a great opportunity for us all to get out and explore Tacoma, get a bite to eat (yeah right, just a bite), and perhaps meet some new friends.

Thought you'd like to know...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Newfrontiers Leaderership Conference

Newfrontiers, our family of churches, is hosting an international leaders conference in Brighton, England. The conference will be attended by thousands of leaders from Newfrontiers churches and other churches from all over the world. New Community Church will actually be serving the conference as our very own Sam Poe will be teaching a seminar! It's exciting to know that our church plant is being a blessing not only to Tacoma, but also to the nations. I will also have the opportunity to represent our church at Mobilise which is the part of the conference for people ages 18-30. We will have a booth with information about what we're doing in the Northwest. This means that thousands of people from all over the world will hear about our church plant! Please pray that God would stir other's hearts to join us here in our quest to reach not only the city of Tacoma but the Northwest and beyond.

This means that Sam and Marlene and Alexis and I will not be at our Sunday meetings on July 8th and July 15th. Don't worry, the meetings will go on!

I absolutely love the fact that we are a part of something way bigger than us!

The video below will help you all get a taste of what Newfrontiers is all about...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


On June 24th at 5:30 pm we will be gathering again to look forward to what kind of church New Community Church will be. We will begin to look at how we can co-labor with God to see a church(es) established where peoples lives are supernaturally changed by God. Please invite anyone you know who has interest in what we are doing.

Location: 711 St. Helens Ave, Tacoma WA 98407

Child care will be provided.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Some Resources for NCC

Recently a new website was launched by Terry Virgo, the founder of Newfrontiers, which includes several valuable resources. Not only does it include information on who we are as a family of churches, but also includes Bible study guides and audio resources. I want to encourage all of you to take the time to check them out.

The current Bible Insight series will help you understand what Paul meant when he said we 'reign in life'. (Romans 5:17) Here is an excerpt from the first study...

We ‘reign in life’. ‘We are more than conquerors.’ ‘He always leads us in triumph.’ These truths strike a chord in your heart. ‘Yes,’ you say to yourself, ‘that’s what I’m meant to be – on top reigning in life. If only it were true.

In the resource section you will find helpful biblical teaching including a series on Romans that will help you understand God's grace in greater measure.

I want to whole heartily recommend this resource to all of you. I believe it will help us as we begin to establish a church(es) where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pentecost Sunday

This coming Sunday is known around the Christian world as Pentecost Sunday. Funny enough the Alpha talk for Sunday is 'Who is the Holy Spirit?' We had no intentions of matching the day with the talk, but hey. Many churches all over the world will be celebrating this historical event where God poured out His Holy Spirit on a small group of people and the world was never the same again.

I know that there is a lot of contreversy surrounding the topic. I believe it's because there is a lack of teaching on the person of the Holy Spirit, what the Holy Spirit does, and how we can be filled with the Holy Spirit. Please join us as we take the next three Sundays to examine this important subject.

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. - Romans 5:5

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My 15 Minutes...

Last week while updating our blog at the Mandolin I was approached by a reporter who wanted to know what people were up to on their laptops. The write up was in the Sunday News Tribune.

For what it's worth I want to thank Joseph Montes (the reporter) for including the statement, "Our plan is to establish a church where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God." Very timely as we began to unpack our vision at In.Vision on Sunday night. As a result of this article/blurb a whole lot of folks in Tacoma now know our vision.

The paper itself included a picture... for some reason my mug didn't make it on the web... please hold your comments.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This Sunday....

This Sunday we will pick up the Alpha course with "How Does God Guide Us?" When people find out we moved to Tacoma from Boston they all want to know how we knew it was the right thing to do. That's a great question! This Sunday we will look at how God guides us primarily out of relationship with Him and what that looks like.

Please also note that Sunday night is our first In.Vision night! The leadership team and I are really excited about these nights. Bring a friend along to hear and see where we're going as a church. I look forward to seeing you there at 5:30 pm at 711 St. Helens. (Childcare is provided.)

“The great and constant danger is that we should be content with something which is altogether less than that intended for us.” - Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

You say you want a mini-revolution...

I am happy to announce that we continue to make progress in our endeavour to see a church established! An important part of church life is training and equipping our children for the life Jesus has call them to. To help us in this mission we are launching a new curriculum for our children's ministry. Malena Swarthout, our NCC Kids director, and her team have decided to use My First Look as the tool to see kids come through to an authentic faith in Jesus. My First Look is designed to give preschool children a first impression of their loving heavenly Father. The concept is that children will be taught that God made them, God loves them, and that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Another exciting aspect of the curriculum is that it also serves parents by giving them ways to engage their children in conversation at home.

As a leadership team we are very excited about seeing a new generation emerge to carry on the mission.

Please feel free to contact Malena with any questions on 'My First Look' or on ways you can get involved.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Where Are We Going?

That's a great question? As a new church it's crucial that we are looking forward to seeing a glorious church established. To help us do this we will be starting a new event called In.Vision. In.Vision will be a once a month, one hour event that will give us the opportunity to present the who, what, when, where and hows of our church vision.

In.Vision is for anyone who is interested in joining the mission of New Community Church.

The first event is 5:30 pm on Sunday May 20th at 711 St. Helens. Child care will be provided.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is more popular today than ever. Two of the top grossing films in recent years have Jesus at the center of them, The Passion of the Christ and The Da Vinci Code. Kanye West featured Jesus in his hit single "Jesus Walks". Jesus has made recent appearances on The Simpsons and South Park. Will Ferrell's character in Talladega Nights prays to the 8 lb. 6 oz. baby Jesus. You can find the slogan "Jesus is My Homeboy" on hats and t-shirts all over the world.

More songs have been written about him than any other person and more paintings have been painted of him than any other figure in history. Why? He grew up in a blue-collar family, never held political office, never traveled to a major city, never wrote a book, and yet no one has affected history as much as he has.

Who is this Jesus? Please join us on Sunday as we explore this question.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

If Jesus is the Answer, What's the Question?

This is one of the more clever bumper stickers that I've seen in a while... that and "What if the Hokey Pokey is What it's all About?" On Easter Sunday (April 8th) 10:30 am we will be taking a closer look at this question. We live in a post-Christian nation where many people have never heard or considered that Jesus is the solution to our guilt, our fears, and our big life questions. We'll look at the disciples reaction to Jesus' resurrection. Some doubted, some sought forgiveness, some rejoiced and throughout the story we find that God is not offended by investigation. Come and investigate with us.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Did I mention that I am thankful for all of you! After a lot of painting, plumbing, dry walling, cleaning, and not the least of all, putting Ikea furniture together, we have finished our humble abode. New Community Church now calls 711 St. Helens Ave, Suite 103 our gathering place! It's a great place to read, sip on some coffee, gather some friends for a chat, a movie night, a night of music, and of course a place for the church to gather to worship our King, Jesus. Please join us for our first gathering there on Sunday, March 25th at 10:30 am.

We are very excited about this space; however, please know that this is not the end. Even now we continue to look for a larger space for us to gather in. We will need more space for more people and a larger children's ministry. Let's continue to press in to God as we seek to bless the city of Tacoma.

- Bo Noonan, Pastor