Friday, December 30, 2011
Bible Reading Plans
Tis the season to start your Bible Reading Plan! Remember, this an opportunity to learn about how much God loves you, not to earn love from God! Here is a link to a website with several different options. Go for it!!!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Hope you are all taking time out to celebrate the birth of Jesus, enjoy family and friends, and get some rest. Hopefully, you all know by now that we will be gathering at Stadium High on Christmas Eve for our first ever Candlelight Service! The musicians and others are working hard to put together an amazing night of carols and the Christmas story. We've heard there may even be a trumpeter involved! Hope you can make it and invite some friends and family to celebrate with us.
Christmas and News Years Day fall on a Sunday this year. We will not be gathering on Christmas Day as it seems cruel and unusual to have the set-up team at Stadium at 8:15 on Christmas morning. That would definitely put us on the 'naughty' list! We will move our gathering on January 1st back to an 11 am start time (9:15 for the set-up team) and finish at 12 pm.
Due to this unusual schedule, we would ask that you would consider mailing in your tithe check since we will not have the offering boxes out on Christmas Eve. We have been amazed at how God has provided for this church through you all! Well done for being so faithful! Having said that, we are in a month to month financial situation and it wouldn't be wise for us to miss a week or two of receiving an offering. Checks can be mailed to:
New Community Church
409 N. Tacoma Ave
Tacoma, WA 98403
We thank God for all of you!
Merry Christmas,
Bo, Wes and Sam
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Let's Party!!!
We are really excited about the upcoming Christmas Party! We will eat together, play together, celebrate together, and raise funds for McCarver Elementary! Please consider inviting friends, workmates, family, and neighbors.
Here are the details...
When: Friday, December 16th 6:30 - 8:30
Where: McCarver Elementary (2111 S. J St, Tacoma, WA 98405)
Suggested donation of $10 a person or $20 a family - All proceeds will go to McCarver Elementary.
RSVP here so we know how much food to prepare. Hope to see you all there!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Today’s Reading: Isaiah 11:1-2 (NIV)
1 A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD
One bite of a fruit right there in the Garden and our tree of life fell.
Our hopes all crashed to the earth and the whole planet groaned and we’ve lived our whole
lives like stumps. Cut off from God.
And then out of our fallenness, out of our cut-down tree, springs this singular fragile shoot.
It’s the only hope we’ve got.
Out of a family line of obscurity, poverty and small account, comes a King. God is in the
business of clothing the neglected and unexpected in royal robes.
And out of the last and forgotten son of Jesse, comes forth one tender branch that will grow
into a crown of thorns… a rugged cross…. our ladder back to God. Jesus will go to
impossible lengths to rescue us.
It’s out of the stump of that fallen tree, watered with the living waters that flow from His
grace, that a twig sprouts that will be the sceptre that defeats sin… and lets us grow again.
Today we begin Advent. Today we begin the season of waiting… yearning. Today we can
feel it coming already – this new life stirring.
Lord God, let there come forth out of this fallen tree New Life, and cause me to see it
today – new growth in people all around me, even in the dead of winter.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Great Christmas Gifts
We are excited to announce that we are selling new t-shirts and for the first time a zip up hoodie to raise money for several different needs at NCC, McCarver Elementary and elsewhere. Please consider buying one for yourself and one for your friend, family member, office mate, your worst enemy... whoever you'd like.
Download the form and either mail it with the cash or check to 409 N. Tacoma Ave, Tacoma, WA 98403 or bring the form and the money to a Sunday gathering.
This is a great opportunity to give a nice gift as well as support a great cause!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The Gift
We will be meeting at the downtown Soma building (2320 Pacific Ave - corner of Pacific and 24th in downtown Tacoma). The entrance to the building is on Commerce St. and close parking is somewhat limited so we suggest you plan to arrive early to give yourself time. Coffee will be served at 8:40, the event starts at 9:00. We will wrap up at 1:30 (lunch is included). Childcare will be provided, but we would encourage using family or other means of childcare if you have the option as it's a long day for your kids to be in a Sunday school room!
Cost: $5/adult, $7/couple. Children: Free. Please pay at the door.
For the sake of food preparation and childcare needs please RSVP here.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Exciting News!
Important points and links from this video:
Saturday, Dec. 3rd from 9 am- 1 pm is The Gift - A day of teaching on the Holy Spirit. We would love for everyone to be there! Please register at so we know how much food and childcare we will need.
Saturday, Dec. 24th from 7 pm -8 pm - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Stadium High School. Invite everyone you know!
January 13-15 in St. Louis, MO - Mobilise USA - For people 18-29 years old. Register at (We will be contributing $100 to everyone who registers. Early Bird registration ends Nov. 15th)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Two Important Updates...
The forms won't take long to fill out - you can pick one up as you drop your kids off and then return it when you pick them up at the end of the meeting, or you can just fill them out before or after the meeting. Thank you!
2. Starting this Sunday we will be serving coffee and snacks from 9:30 am - 9:50 am. At 9:50 am we will put the coffee and food away... don't worry, we will bring the coffee and snacks back out at 11:30 am. We love to serve food and coffee at our gatherings as it creates a great atmosphere for fellowship, but we also want to make room for others to connect with Jesus and His church. The new folks are very good at getting into the auditorium at 10 am and we believe this will help us all be there with them. Thanks!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sam Poe Traveling to Chicago
As many of you know Sam Poe travels around to many of the Newfrontiers churches in the U.S. and abroad. This week he will be traveling to Chicago to be with Destination Church, a relatively knew church plant, to lay some biblical foundations. Please pray for his time there... He has given us a few prayer points...
'On Friday I will share in a meeting with their leadership team. Saturday will be an all day seminar on prophecy along with a meeting core leadership team to lay plans toward the development of prophetic ministry in the church. On Sunday I will be preaching at their main meeting. That evening I return home. David Harrington will be joining with me there in Chicago. I especially want us to pray that God would use us to impart something of prophetic ministry and foundations to the church there.'
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Serving at McCarver Elementary
2. Filling Backpacks - Each Friday a small group goes to McCarver around 9:30AM to fill backpacks with food for the weekend. It's very easy and takes about an hour. It's a great chance to connect with other people from the church and with McCarver parents. You can do as many or as few Fridays as you want/are able to.
3. Recess Monitoring: A chance to run around with the students during recess. You could monitor the swing, the playground, or a rousing game of soccer. Pick a day of the week or several days a month you can commit to, and show up ready for fun from 11:30AM to 1:20PM.
To get involved contact Jessica Cohoe ( or 253-376-6819).
Friday, September 23, 2011
Baptisms and BBQ
As for the BBQ, New Community will provide the meat & buns, plates, drinks, cups & utensils. We're asking everyone to bring a dish to share based on their last name: Side Dish (A-M), Dessert (N-Z).
Please RSVP to Michael Gray.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Ladies Night Out Details
Thursday, September 8, 2011
First Friday - Sept 9th
I want to strongly encourage you to come this Friday to Central Lutheran at 6 pm for First Friday. We will spend quite a bit of time talking about Community Groups and the way forward through the Fall and Winter. Not to mention, we will eat together, worship together and pray together.
Please do RSVP so we know how much food to have. Really hope to see you all there!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Volunteers Needed
On Wednesday, August 31st we will be serving lunch to the teachers of McCarver as a way of showing appreciation. We could still use a few servers for this event. We will start at 11:30 am and it will last until about 12:30 pm.
If you are available to serve either of these events please contact Jessica Cohoe.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Important Announcement from Jessica Cohoe!
Please check out this video... we are starting our BIG push to collect school supplies and uniforms for McCarver Elementary. Jessica gives some great instructions on how to get involved.
Save the Date - Ladies Night
Monday, August 8, 2011
Prayer for Sam Poe
Below is a prayer request from Sam Poe. He will be traveling to St. Louis this week and would really appreciate your prayers... thanks!
This coming Tuesday, August 9, I will be flying out to St. Louis, MO to join with the elders and leaders of the Newfrontiers churches in that region for three days of prayer and sharing together.
I have been asked to bring some teaching sessions on developing prophetic ministry and prophetic teams in the local churches. I will be working in team with John Lanferman and Bryan Mowrey. I want to ask you here at NCC to please pray for God’s blessing and anointing upon this time together. I feel a particular desire to serve well in this area of equipping and training among those we are walking together with.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
This Sunday!
Just a reminder that we will be in Silverton, OR for Celebration NW this weekend. We won't be gathering at Stadium High School on Sunday. Please pass the word along to anyone you know who might not know. Thanks!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
What's Happening at NCC? 7/21/11
Included in this video...
A big thank you for all that hard work you all are doing.
Be aware of guests on Sundays.
Celebration NW invite.
Announcement about upcoming NCC Camping Trip in Belfair, WA
Monday, July 18, 2011
Prayer for Sam Poe
As many of you know, Sam Poe travels throughout our Newfrontiers churches building them up and training them on different topics. Below is a prayer request from him. Please do be in prayer for Sam and Marlene as he goes! Thanks!
I will be in Atlanta, GA this next week, July 19-27 at Jubilee Church, one of our sister churches in Newfrontiers. The purpose of the trip is to spend the week doing training in using Chronological Bible Storying in their small groups. It is their desire to help each person coming into the church to know God’s Big Salvation Story and begin to understand the part they have to play in that story.
I want to ask for the prayer support on NCC as I go. As some of you know I had a bout with diverticulitis (an intestinal infection) this weekend and certainly feel a special need for God’s strength and help. I am going as an extension of this church and greatly appreciate how God has joined us all together in his mission.
Friday, July 8, 2011
News for July 7th, 2011
On this video...
Big thank you for serving so hard and faithfully at the Carnival and the Freedom Fair!
Be aware of visitors, please try to get into the auditorium about 9:58.
Celebration! Register online at
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Date Night At NCC!
On Saturday, July 9th, the Stave's small group want NCC parents to go out on a date, and they'll watch their kids!
To serve NCC parents, the Stave's small group will be watching kids from 5:00 PM to 10:30 PM on Saturday, July 9th. There will be food, games, movies, and prizes for the kids, as parents are encouraged to drop their kids off and go out on a date!
Parents are encouraged to leave their kids with the Stave's small group for any amount of time between 5 PM and 10:30 PM, and go out on a date. Parents can have a romantic dinner alone at home, go out for a night on the town, or take a stroll and grab dessert. The choice is up to the parents! Perhaps you would like to double date with someone at church, or maybe some neighbors, or spend the evening together alone.
If you want to go out on a date and drop your kids off with the Stave's small group, simply email Brad Stave at or call at 253.414.2691. You'll need to let him know your kids' ages and when you plan on dropping off and picking up your kids. You can also respond via NCC's Facebook page.
You may consider double dating with a couple from the church or taking the opportunity to get to know a neighbor or workmate. Have fun!!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Kids Carnival July 2nd at Wright Park
Saturday, July 2, 10am-2pm
Start out the holiday weekend with some kids fun in the park.
Free food, games, prizes, bouncy castle, inflatable obstacle course, and more!
Sponsored by New Community Church - Tacoma.
First Friday - June 24th
Friday, June 17, 2011
NCC Kids Summer Announcement
We want to tell you about our exciting plans for the summer. Starting the first Sunday in July (the 3rd), the three and four-year-olds will be staying in the main meeting for worship. They'll be dismissed with the five and six-year-olds to learn some of the parables of Jesus and do some fun activities.
We look forward to serving you and your children this summer!
4th of July Weekend
Hope you've heard by now NCC's plans for the 4th of July weekend. We will host a Kids Carnival at Wright Park on July 2nd from 10 am -2 pm. We got an amazing deal on bouncy equipment and will have 4 different ones for the price we typically pay for one! Kids are going to love that! We will also have games, prizes, food and other fun stuff.
Also, we will once again be at the Freedom Fair on Ruston Way. This is an amazing opportunity for us to connect with thousands of people! We will have a booth with Solarium set up. Solarium is a relational, non confrontational way of sharing Jesus with people. We will also be handing out free water to people as they walk up and down the hill to get to Ruston Way.
Below is the training and event schedule for that week. Please contact Bo Noonan if you are interested in being a part of an evangelism team that will receive training from two guys from St. Louis who have a track record of leading lot's of people to Jesus. This team will run the booth and walk people through Solarium as well as other evangelism opportunities that God may open up. This team can have as many people as sign up!
Otherwise, contact Michael Gray if you can serve at any of the events we are doing.
Evangelism Training - Friday, July 1st 1 pm - 4pm at Central Lutheran
All Church Prayer and Worship Gathering (No Dinner) - Friday, July 1st 6:30 pm - 8 pm at Central Lutheran
Kids Carnival at Wright Park - Saturday, July 2nd 10 am - 2 pm (Need people there at 8 am to help set up)
NCC at Stadium - Sunday, July 3rd 10 am - 11:30 am
Freedom Fair - Monday, July 4th 10 am - Fireworks (We will need people there at 8 am to help set up our booth) (Water distribution will start at 11 am and go until we run out!)
Please, please consider how you can serve at these events. I also really want to encourage you to sign up for the evangelism training. If you're like me, you can always use some encouragement and training in that area!
Thanks so much!!!!
Bo Noonan
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
What's Happening at NCC?
Friday, May 27, 2011
Reminder: Picnic on Sunday!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Church Picnic! - Sunday, May 29th
Please bring lunch for you and your family, plates, utensils, drinks, lawn chairs or blankets, and any games you'd like to share (ie lawn darts, football, baseball gloves and ball, frisbee)
We are not aloud to put stakes in the ground or use propane grills, so best to stick with a picnic lunch.
Hopefully the weather is good, but if it's raining the hard core Tacomans can still go for it! Others may want to just go home though.
Friday, May 13, 2011
McCarver Elementary Performance
Hope you can make it!!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Baby Dedications
The Baby Dedications will take place right after the worship (singing) time at our usual Sunday gathering at Stadium High School.
First Friday - May 6
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Remember all that money we raised at the Christmas Party...
The time has come! Ruby Midgette (the school music teacher), Scott and I met last week to do the final planning for MCT at McCarver. We are so excited, and the kids are already all a-buzz about auditions and the play. The residency week starts in just under 3 weeks (May 9-14), and everyone is so excited! We have you and your congregation to thank, so thank you!
On the heels of our gratitude, however, comes a request for more help (you told me to ask!)...
IF you have members who are interested in helping more with this project, here are two ideas:
- We have decided it would be best to feed dinner to the kids who are staying Mon-Fri for rehearsals (3:30-8:00 each night!), so they don't have to worry about packing a meal (or going without). We are looking for volunteers to host each dinner, which will feed about 50 kids and a handful of adults. Scott is asking St. Joseph's hospital staff to do one, and I think Scott and I will buy pizza one night -- would your church be willing to host dinner for the cast one night, as well?
- The MCT team does a great job of managing the kids all week during rehearsals, but they/we will need help on Saturday to set up chairs and help get the kids in costumes and makeup. Is this something you might have 2-3 people help us with?
Finally, please be sure to come to one of the Saturday performances (I think they will be at 3:00 and 5:30, but I'll confirm as we get closer). We are not selling tickets, so you can just show up, and I know the McCarver community would love to have you there! I'll send a more formal invitation soon, but be sure to put it on your calendar -- May 14!!
Looking forward to talking again soon!
-- Heather Moss
Friday, April 22, 2011
NCC Kids Announcement
Thursday, April 21, 2011
A Few Needs...
The good news is the Easter Egg Hunt has created quite the buzz... we have received phone calls about it, it's been posted on several blogs and news websites and invites have been handed out! This does mean we need more helpers though! We want to make sure we have a fun and safe event... this means lot's of people to help keep order. The volunteers will gather at Wright Park at 8 am to start the set-up or organizational process. Please consider coming... no need to RSVP for it, just show up!
Thanks so much!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Easter Egg Hunt Volunteers
We will need lot's of help to pull this off... from hiding eggs, registration table, manning the bouncy castle, helping the kids with the egg hunt... and more! Please, please let us know if you are available to help. This is a great opportunity to serve the city and invite them to our Easter service.
Contact Michael Gray for more info and to volunteer.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
A Few Changes for This Sunday
Another change is that we will be using the entrance in the front of the building closer to N. 1st St.
And finally, we will need to be out of the venue at 12 noon. The gymnastics competition will be having an awards ceremony in the performing arts center shortly after we are finished. We are typically out of the building around 12 noon any ways, we just need to be more sensitive this Sunday.
By the way, this is the Sunday where we will be talking about sex. Again, the topic will be PG-13 but parents should be aware that this is the subject and they should feel free to lead their children accordingly.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
CPR Class
NCC is offering a CPR class Saturday April 16th from 9 to noon at Central Lutheran. There is no cost and child care will not be provided. This is open to everyone (parents, babysitters, concerned citizens, etc...) but we would especially like to see you there if you are a Sunday school teacher and have not already received the training. If you have any questions please email Wes Swarthout. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
We Need Eggs!
We have already received over 2,000 plastic eggs for the event! Thank you all so much! We are hoping to have at least 5,000 eggs for the hunt. We also are asking for pre-wrapped candy to put inside the eggs. (For sanitation reasons we can't have non-wrapped candy) Please consider purchasing some eggs and candy for this amazing opportunity to serve the city!
Here are some websites that sell plastic eggs for next to nothing...
Oriental Trading
US Toy
If you know a better place, go for it! For candy, hard to beat Costco. Thanks!
A Response to Sunday
Dear Church,
I wanted to take a moment to comment on Sunday's gathering. I was pleased to see so many new faces, loved how the worship team lead us, and was surprised by my emotional response to the situation in the Middle-East.
I have spoken often about this family that has moved to a nation that has never had a Christian church in it's entire history. They are in great danger, but like Daniel in the den of lions they are perhaps in the safest place on earth, God's will.
This family has been shocked at the injustices toward women in this nation, especially toward the single mom's who have moved from Somalia to this nation to find work. These women have no voice, no advocate, no intercessor, and most likely never will unless someone steps outside of cultural boundaries and does something. Culturally they are the least of the least and are treated that way.
This is the part that killed me on Sunday, they don't have anyone to help care for their children while they go to work. Therefore, they tie their children together while they head out to work. A little while back the nation had flash floods and many of the children who were tied together drowned.
While trying to communicate this on Sunday a wave of emotions came over me that I have rarely experienced. I was more surprised than anyone that I was overcome like that. However, it was genuine and I pray that we would respond accordingly.
We are asking that you consider donating some money to this family who has rented a home for many of these refugee women and their children. They are hoping to rent another home soon. The children will be cared for in this home and the women will be treated with dignity. Another area of financial need is that this family had to quickly leave the country as civil war has broken out. They saw and heard gun fire and mortar fire. By God's grace they were able to get all their children and team out on time. If you've ever had to by a last minute plane ticket, you know it's not cheap. Money will go to them as well to help cover costs and hopefully also get them back into that nation.
We are a part of God's global Church, woven together for His renown. I love that so many of you carry that in your hearts as a reality. Let's be a part of extending God's Kingdom of justice, peace, righteousness and love to the dark corners of the earth. Will you help?
Thanks for being a great church!
Bo Noonan
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The Alpha Course is a basic introduction to the Christian faith that has been attended by over 11 million people world wide. The reason we do it here at NCC is that it's a great fit to the vision we have as a church. Our vision is to establish church(es) where people's lives are supernaturally changed by God. Alpha provides an excellent environment for people to hear about Jesus, ask questions about Jesus, and have their lives changed by Jesus.
We really want to encourage all of you who haven't taken the Alpha Course to sign up for the Spring session. The Course is extremely helpful for those who wouldn't call themselves a Christian and for those who may have been a Christian for 20 years.
The Alpha Course is being held at the YMCA Morgan Family Branch on Pearl St. You DO NOT have to be a YMCA member to attend the Alpha Course. Childcare is provided for members and non-members for a small fee. Just check in at the information desk at the main entrance.
Dessert will be served, followed by a short talk, and then a time of discussion where no questions are off limits.
Please consider signing up for the Alpha Course! It begins Wednesday, March 23rd at 6:30 pm.
Friday, March 18, 2011
A Few Thoughts on This Sunday
1. Prayerfully consider who you can invite. In my personal experience, every time I ask God to lead me to someone to invite, He does. He wants to build His church and He wants to use you and I. Exciting stuff!
2. Be on time. Here's why. Most visitors are at least on time if not 10 minutes early. They are concerned about finding parking and not sticking out by walking in late. Your role in this is to do the same. Come ready to say hi to someone new, sign your kids in if you have any, have a cup of coffee, and then find your way into the auditorium by 10 am at the latest. We are committed to starting on time and it's a little awkward when we start with hand full of people, mostly visitors, sitting in the auditorium. The visitors get really nervous at that point and begin to wonder if they're it!
3. Find a seat in the lower level and toward the middle of the aisle. This way late people don't have to climb over you to find a seat. It helps to sit close to others, you know, that whole 'they will know we are Christians by our love for one another' thing. We are fully aware that new people may want to sit by themselves and try and figure this whole thing out. One thing we would love them to see is how much love is in the place!
I love this church! Really looking forward to gathering to the Risen Savior with all of you! See you then!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Parent Resource
Monday, March 14, 2011
Small Groups!
If you haven't been a part of the Alpha Course yet I want to encourage you to check it out. Alpha provides an opportunity for you to hear exactly what we believe at NCC and an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. Topics include Who is Jesus?, Why Did Jesus Die?, Who is the Holy Spirit?, How Can I be Filled With the Holy Spirit? and many more... It will be hosted at the YMCA Morgan Family Branch. Childcare is available for ages 6 months to 6 years for a small fee.
I can't tell you how important these small groups are for us as we move forward! These groups are open to all NCCers as well as anyone you may know who is wondering about God and the church. Please consider inviting your friends to engage with you in a small group track.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
A Series of Uncomfortable Subjects
I'm excited to announce that on Sunday, March 20th we will embark on a new four part series entitled A Series of Uncomfortable Subjects. The goal of this series is to talk about four subjects that are often considered controversial and, well, uncomfortable, and apply the gospel to each one. I am really looking forward to bringing a biblical perspective to each of the following:
1. Hell (March 20th)
2. Money (March 27th)
3. Politics (April 3rd)
4. Sex* (April 10th)
Be assured that we are gearing all of these messages to unbelievers as well as believers. This is a great opportunity to invite workmates, friends, neighbors, and family. Although there may be some shocking things mentioned about these subjects, the goal is never to just shock people, rather to bring them to a place of worship of Jesus. That's our prayer!
*As far as the sex talk goes... I will keep it PG-13 and encourage parents of children who attend the meeting to use wisdom and discernment on whether or not their child should be in that meeting. The talk will be about God's creation and the gift of sex within the context of marriage. I will do my best to debunk cultural lies about sex and to keep before people a healthy biblical model for sex. I do think this is a very important issue in our culture and that the church cannot stay silent on it. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Joint Meeting/Baptism/BBQ
If you would like to be baptized or would like more information about baptism, please email Bo.
We will have our usual NCC Kids program available for all age groups.
We will be in the main sanctuary, please enter through the main entrance on Tacoma Ave.
Friday, February 25, 2011
NCC Kids Resource (Attention Parents)
There is a new resource available to you online! Visit the New Community Church website to view the class topics, lesson plans, memory verses, themes, and questions to reinforce what your children are learning on Sunday at home. The website will be updated monthly for all the age groups above the nursery.
On the NCC website click kids or go to and then click on the link for the resources for the current month.
We hope this serves you and gives you an opportunity to train your children to love God.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I wanted to take a minute to express my gratitude to all of you. You all have been so impressive in this season of transition! Your hard work, combined with smiles and laughter, have served us as we have successfully moved into Stadium High School. I know there are always a few kinks to work out, but overall, we are ready to increase our presence and to extend the kingdom of God in Tacoma! Well done!!!!
A few practical things we can do as we move forward.
1. Please consider sitting on the bottom level. Our hope is that the bottom level would be 70% full before we start to sit in the upper level. The ushers will help with that 70% thing! This seems like a small thing, but it shows the visitors that we are together as a people and not just individuals scattered in a big venue.
2. Please also consider sitting toward the middle of the row. As visitors and others come late it's uncomfortable for them to skooch pass people to find a seat. So of course they don't... they just go sit on the outside of an unoccupied row. Again, our visitors have all the rights when they come... including where they want to sit. We would ask that our NCCers would serve them by sitting toward the middle.
Now, I certainly understand that moms with little ones want to sit up top for more space. Totally fine! These are not hard rules, just another opportunity for us to welcome new people and show the city we are a people reconciled to God and to each other.
Again, thanks so much for your hard work and prayers as we move forward. These are extremely exciting times. These are also extremely important times as we play our role in fulfilling the Great Commission!
For Him,
RCM Conference and More
Please also note that we won't be meeting at Stadium High on Sunday, March 6th. We will be at Central Lutheran at 4 pm to worship, receive teaching from Terry Virgo, baptize people and eat. We will be joined by Cedar Springs Church from Graham, WA. This should prove to be a fantastic time... feel free to invite whomever you'd like!
Friday, February 18, 2011
McCarver Family Fun Night!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Map to Stadium
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
First Friday!
We need to know if you are coming so we can have enough food. Email Michael Gray if you can make it!
This is one of the most exciting times in our young church's history. Our prayer is that move forward together!